Table of Contents
include additional files
There are many instances where backing up system configuration files is very helpful instead of just your Seafile-related files. This is especially true in bare-metal setups where likely the entire machine is dedicated to hosting Seafile. Ideal candidates for inclusion are files like your fstab, networking configuration, program configs for other accessory programs like email notifiers, fail2ban, etc.
This is a plain-text file listing paths to directories/files you want to include in your backup. Simply open this file in a text-editor, read the comments and add/update paths as desired. I've included some common files and directories for you like ssh configurations, etc. If there are any files listed in this file that do not exist on your system, you might want to remove them to prevent borg throwing warnings and polluting your logfile. Note, however, that warnings will not stop the script from running, so this is pretty cosmetic.
You can add files by specifying a full path to them. You can select entire directories by doing the same but should include the trailing slash for consistency and to remind you that it's a directory. You can also use wildcards are normal in this file.
This is a plain-text file listing paths and files you wish to exclude from your backup. Entries here override those in xtraLocations.borg. Please note that there is a specific format required in this file unlike the standard 'shell' format used by xtraLocations.borg. This is something imposed by borgbackup so please consult their help for more details. Specifically, run the following for help constructing exclusion patterns:
borg help patterns
In most cases, you can still get away with standard 'shell' format, but there are certain cases where that will not work. I've pre-populated this file with some common examples but, you might want to edit that to suit your tastes. Specifically, you may not want to to exclude your thumbnails if you have lots of pictures and don't want to spend time regenerating them after a restore. I chose to exclude them since storage space does cost money.