2 7.1.2 Service definition file
Asif Bacchus edited this page 2020-05-24 03:44:29 -06:00

service definition file (/etc/logwatch/conf/services/backup.conf)

logFile Group file definition

The service file needs to know what group of log files it is responsible for processing. This MUST match the name of your LogFile Group file:

LogFile = backup

If you change your LogFile Group filename, then update it here too without the .conf extension.

report title

The Logwatch output file (html or text) is divided into sections. You can define the title to be anything that has meaning for you. I have arbitrarily chosen "System and Mailcow Backup" but you can change it to anything you want by modifying the line:

Title = "System and Mailcow Backup"

detail level

If you want to set the detail level of this service differently from your other services (which will use the --detail switch value or the value in your logwatch.conf), then you can define that level here. By default, it appears like this in the service configuration file:

# Override the detail level for this service
# Remember the levels are: 0, 1-4, 5, 6+
# Detail = 0

Simply change it to the value you want enforced. For example, here I'm setting it to output level 5 regardless of whatever settings everything else is using.

# Override the detail level for this service
# Remember the levels are: 0, 1-4, 5, 6+
Detail = 5