3 01. Quick start
Asif Bacchus edited this page 2021-01-16 06:23:50 -07:00
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This section is meant primarily for those of you familiar with docker, NGINX and who have some experience working with containerized instances of NGINX in the past. If stuff here doesnt really make sense to you, read it anyways and then go on to the other pages of the wiki and things will become clear. Ive tried to make the container simpler than the official image, so hopefully I should be able to explain why thats the case 😝


Alternate repository Permissions Container layout Content directory Configuration directory Quick-start Mounting content Mounting configurations Mounting server-blocks TLS TLS in custom server-blocks Environment variables Shell mode Drop to shell before NGINX loads Enter a running container Logs Final thoughts

Alternate repository

Throughout this document, I reference my repository on DockerHub (asifbacchus/ab-nginx:tag). You may also feel free to pull directly from my private registry instead, especially if you need signed containers. Simply use docker.asifbacchus.app/nginx/ab-nginx:tag. I usually sign major dot-version tags (1.18, 1.19, etc.) as well as the 'latest' image.


The container does NOT run under the root account. It runs under a user named www-docker with a UID of 8080. This means any files you mount into the container need to be readable (and/or writable depending on your use-case) by UID 8080. This does not mean just content files, it also includes configurations, server-blocks and certificates! Before mounting your files, ensure this is the case. There are more detailed instructions on the File structure page if you you need help setting file permissions.

This is a significant change versus most other NGINX implementations/containers where the main process is run as root and the worker processes run as a limited user. In those cases, permissions dont matter since NGINX can always use the root account to read any files (and especially certificates!) it needs. Please understand this difference.

If you need to change the UID, then youll need to rebuild the container using the Dockerfile in the git repo. The process would be something like this:

# clone the repo
git clone https://git.asifbacchus.app/ab-docker/ab-nginx

# change to the proper directory and build the container
cd ab-nginx/build
docker build --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') --build-arg UID=xxxx -t name:tag .

Of course, replace xxxx with your desired UID for the www-docker user. Also, replace name:tag with whatever you want to tag your image.

Container layout

Content directory

All content is served from the NGINX default /usr/share/nginx/html directory within the container. The default set up serves everything found here and in all child directories. To use your own content (this point of this whole thing, right? 😉) bind-mount your content to the containers webroot: -v /my/webstuff:/usr/share/nginx/html. Remember that UID 8080 must be able to read these files!

Configuration directory

All configuration is in the /etc/nginx directory and its children. Here is the layout of that directory within the container:

├── config
│   └── **add configuration files here or replace the whole directory**
├── sites
│   ├── 05-nonsecured.conf
│   ├── 05-secured.conf.disabled
│   └── **add additional server-block files or replace whole directory**
├── ssl-config
│   ├── mozIntermediate_ssl.conf.disabled
│   └── mozModern_ssl.conf.disabled
	  └── (SSL configuration  container manages this)
├── errorpages.conf  (pre-configured fun error pages, you can override)
├── health.conf  (health-check endpoint, best to not touch this)
├── nginx.conf  **main NGINX configuration file, replace if really necessary**
├── server_names.conf  (list of hostnames, updated via environment variable)
├── ssl_certs.conf  (hard-coded for the container, best not to touch)

Locations with *starred descriptions* are designed to be overwritten via bind-mounts to customize the container. For more details on all of these files and what they do, please refer to the File structure page. Remember that UID 8080 needs to be able to read any files you choose to bind-mount over the container defaults!


At its most basic, all you need to do is mount a directory with content to serve. For more advanced deployments, you can also mount various configurations. In most cases, youll also want to mount certificates so that SSL/TLS is an option. Remember that UID 8080 must be able to read everything you bind-mount! Lets run through some examples:

Mounting content

Simply bind-mount whatever you want served to /usr/share/nginx/html:

docker run -d --name ab-nginx --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 80:80 \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \

Mounting configurations

Any .conf files found in /etc/nginx/config will be loaded after nginx.conf and thus, take precedence. All config files are read into the HTTP-context. Please note: only files ending in .conf will be read by the container!

I suggest dividing your configurations into various files organized by type (i.e. headers.conf, buffers.conf, timeouts.conf, etc.) and putting them all into one directory and bind-mounting that to the container:

docker run -d --name ab-nginx --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 80:80 \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  -v ~/nginx/config:/etc/nginx/config:ro \

If you need to change configuration settings, make the changes on the host and save the file(s). Then, restart the container to apply the change:

docker restart ab-nginx

If you want the container to ignore a specific set of configuration options, say youre testing something, then rename the file with those configuration options using any extension other than .conf. I usually use .conf.disabled. Restart the container and that file will be ignored.

More details and examples are found on the Mounts: configuration page.

Mounting server-blocks

If you just want to serve static content from your content/webroot directory, then you can ignore this section entirely 😄.

Otherwise, any files found in the /etc/nginx/sites directory in the container will be loaded after the configuration files. These files are meant to define the SERVER-context. The container has both a secure and non-secure default server block that simply serves everything found in the webroot. Depending on your SSL configuration, the container enables the correct block. You can add additional server blocks or you can override these default servers entirely by bind-mounting over the directory:

# add another server block definition that listens on port 8080
docker run -d --name ab-nginx --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  -v ~/webapp.conf:/etc/nginx/sites/webapp.conf:ro \

# override default server-blocks entirely (use your own)
docker run -d --name ab-nginx --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 80:80 \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  -v ~/nginx/servers:/etc/nginx/sites:ro \

More details and examples are found on the Mounts: content and sites page.


The container will automatically update its configuration to use provided certificates. The examples below assume you have all required files in one directory, but you can also mount them all separately. The required files and their locations in the container are:

file type container location
Full-chain certificate
(certificate concatenated with intermediates and root CA)
Private key /certs/privkey.pem
Certificate chain
(intermediates concatenated with root CA or just root CA if no intermediates)
DH Parameters file
(NOT required for TLS 1.3-only mode)

N.B. The containers SSL configuration is loaded before any other custom configurations. This means you do not, or at least should not, need to set any SSL-related parameters in your server-blocks.

Once those files are available, you can run the container as follows:

# TLS 1.2 (requires: fullchain.pem, privkey.pem, chain.pem and dhparam.pem)
docker run -d --name nginx --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  -v ~/certs:/certs:ro \
  -e SERVER_NAMES="domain.tld www.domain.tld" \

# TLS 1.3 only mode (requires fullchain.pem, privkey.pem and chain.pem)
docker run -d --name nginx --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  -v ~/certs:/certs:ro \
  -e SERVER_NAMES="domain.tld www.domain.tld" \

The container will load a secure configuration automatically, require SSL connections and redirect HTTP to HTTPS. If you want to enforce HSTS, simply set the HSTS environment variable to true by adding -e HSTS=TRUE before specifying the container name. Careful about doing this while testing though! Also, certificates should always be mounted read-only (:ro) for security reasons!

You may have noticed I also specified the SERVER_NAMES variable. This is necessary or SSL will not work since the hostname the server responds to must match the certificate being presented. Make sure you set this environment variable to match your certificates!

N.B. If you are using your own server-blocks, the SERVER_NAMES environment variable is NOT required it is only used by the container when auto-configuring the default server-blocks. See this section if you want to use this variable in your own server-blocks.

If you want to integrate with Let's Encrypt, please refer to the SSL page.

Finally, Id remind you once again that UID 8080 must be able to read your certificate files! It is common practice to restrict the private key to root readability only (i.e. chown root:root & chmod 600) but, that would stop the NGINX user in the container from reading it and NGINX will exit with an error. I address ways to allow your certificate files to remain secure but still readable by the NGINX user on the SSL page.

TLS in custom server-blocks

If you are defining your own server-blocks, you only have to enable SSL on the listen directive. All other SSL configuration variables and certificate locations will be inherited from the default configuration. In other words, start your server-block like this:

server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;

You do not have define any other SSL options like ssl_protocols, ssl_ciphers, ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_key, etc.

Environment variables

You can set several options simply by passing environment variables. They are pretty self-explanatory but here is a summary:

name description default permitted values
TZ Set the container time zone for proper logging. Etc/UTC Valid IANA TZ values
SERVER_NAMES Space-delimited list of hostnames/FQDNs to which NGINX should respond. Must be "enclosed in quotes". This is only used by the default configuration and would not be applicable if you are using your own server blocks, unless you choose to reference the /etc/nginx/server_names.conf file.
If you are using the default configuration and SSL, remember this must match your SSL certificates! The default value will only work for for HTTP connections!
"_" (this means "anything") Valid IANA hostnames
HTTP_PORT Port on which HTTP connections should be accepted. If you set this, make sure you set your port mapping properly! For example, if you set this to 8080 then you need to specify -p 8080:8080 or something like -p 12.34.567.89:8080:8080. In most cases, you dont need this and should only change the host port mapping. For example -p 8080:80. 80 Valid unused ports
HTTPS_PORT Port on which HTTPS connections should be accepted. If you set this, make sure you set your port mapping properly! For example, if you set this to 8443 then you need to specify -p 8443:8443 or something like -p 12.34.567.89:8443:8443. In most cases, you dont need this and should only change the host port mapping. For example -p 8443:443. 443 Valid unused ports
ACCESS_LOG Turn on/off access logging. The default format is the same as the NGINX default: combined. You can specify your own format via configuration files and use it in custom server blocks. OFF ON, OFF
HSTS Activate the HSTS header. Please be sure you know what this means and that your SSL configuration is correct before enabling! The default configuration sets an HSTS max-age of 15768000s (6 months). FALSE Boolean: TRUE, FALSE
TLS13_ONLY Activate the container's TLS 1.3 configuration. This is a strict TLS 1.3 implementation and does not fall back to TLS 1.2. If you still need to support TLS 1.2, then leave this turned off. The TLS 1.2 configuration does upgrade to TLS 1.3 where possible. FALSE Boolean: TRUE, FALSE

Shell mode

Running the container in shell mode is a great way to verify configurations, make sure everything mounted correctly or to see what the defaults are. You have two options: drop to shell before NGINX loads or after.

Drop to shell before NGINX loads

This is useful to verify where things mounted, etc. This is also useful if some configuration is causing NGINX to panic and shutting down the container. Note that Im using the --rm flag to auto-remove the container when I exit since there is no point in keeping a shell-mode instantiation around.

docker run -it --rm \
  -v ~/web:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  -v ~/nginx/config:/etc/nginx/config \
  -v ~/nginx/servers:/etc/nginx/sites \
  -v ~/certs:/certs \
  asifbacchus/ab-nginx /bin/sh

Enter a running container

If you want to enter a running container and check things out:

docker exec -it ab-nginx /bin/sh

Remember this container is running Alpine Linux and the shell is ASH. You do not have all the bells and whistles of BASH! Also, many commands are run via busybox, so some things may not work exactly like you might be used to in a Debian/Ubuntu environment, for example. As a side note, ping is installed and fully functional in this container so that makes troubleshooting a little easier.


The container logs everything to stdout and stderr in other words, the console. To see whats going on with NGINX simply use dockers integrated logging features from the host:

# default log lookback
docker logs ab-nginx

# last 50 lines
docker logs -n 50 ab-nginx

# show last 10 lines and follow from there in realtime (ctrl-c to stop)
docker logs -n 10 -f ab-nginx

Next steps

Well, I think that was a pretty solid overview. If anything is not clear or you want more details, please keep reading the appropriate sections of this wiki. I know I might have been overly detailed, but I figured its better than the opposite! As always, if you find any bugs, errors in the documentation or have any suggestions, just drop me a line in the issues. I hope you enjoy using this container!