feature(wakeup): run multiple connectivity checks up to timeout

This commit is contained in:
Asif Bacchus 2021-09-06 15:38:36 -06:00
parent 0119923ed7
commit 5332818990

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@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ $targetComputers | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "[ERROR]"
# queue for removal from computers on which to run a connectivity check
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ elseif ($targetComputers.Count -eq 0)
exitError "No wake-up packets sent successfully" -exitCode 5
# wait for initialWaitTime seconds to let computer(s) wake up
# wait for initial delay seconds to let computer(s) wake up
for ($i = $ConnectivityCheckDelay; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for computer(s) to wake-up..." -SecondsRemaining $i
Start-Sleep 1
@ -162,9 +163,11 @@ Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for computer(s) to wake-up..." -Completed
# iterate computers and test connectivity
# TODO: run multiple connectivity tests as needed, spaced evenly apart up to max timeout THEN fail
# TODO: run connectivity test as background job
$targetComputers | ForEach-Object {
$connCheckTotalTime = 0
while ($connCheckTotalTime -le $ConnectivityCheckTimeout -and $targetComputers.Count -gt 0)
$targetComputers | ForEach-Object {
$name = $_.name
$friendlyName = $_.friendlyName
$fqdn = -join ($name, $dnsSuffix)
@ -189,6 +192,26 @@ $targetComputers | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[OK]"
# queue for removal from computers to check next round
# remove computers from targetComputers if connectivity check already successful
$removeFromTargetComputers | ForEach-Object {
$removeName = $_
$targetComputers.Remove(($targetComputers | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $removeName })) | Out-Null
# sleep until next test interval and increase time counter
if ($targetComputers.Count -gt 0)
for ($i = $ConnectivityCheckInterval; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for next connectivity check..." -SecondsRemaining $i
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for next connectivity check..." -Completed
$connCheckTotalTime += $ConnectivityCheckInterval