refactor: reduce nesting, update err codes

- detect curl vs CF API errors separately
- error 25 changed to error 3 (curl/network)
- error 25 reservedfor CF API errors
- add CF error messages to all err 25s
- change error 98 (updates) to error 26
- remove error code for exit with warning
- add CF error messages on update failures
- drastically reduce if/else nesting
This commit is contained in:
Asif Bacchus 2021-05-09 04:33:41 -06:00
parent a7064805c3
commit f4f3c89e5e
1 changed files with 77 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ badParam() {
exitError() {
case "$1" in
errMsg="Unable to connect to Cloudflare servers. This is probably a temporary networking issue. Please try again later."
errMsg="Unable to auto-detect IP address. Try again later or supply the IP address to be used."
@ -60,10 +63,10 @@ exitError() {
errMsg="Cloudflare zone id (cfZoneId) is either null or undefined. Please check your Cloudflare credentials file."
errMsg="Unable to query Cloudflare account. Please re-check your credentials and try again later."
errMsg="Cloudflare API error. Please check the logs for 'CF-ERR-NO' and 'CF-ERR-MESSAGE' entries for details."
errMsg="One or more domain updates failed. Please review this log file for details."
errMsg="${failedDomainCount} domain update(s) failed. Please review this log file for details."
printf "%s[%s] ERROR: An unspecified error occurred. Exiting.%s\n" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
@ -367,6 +370,7 @@ case "$accountFile" in
. "./$accountFile"
# TODO: cfEmail is *not* required when using bearer tokens
if [ -z "$cfEmail" ]; then
printf "%sERROR%s\n" "$err" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
exitError 20
@ -379,57 +383,92 @@ elif [ -z "$cfZoneId" ]; then
printf "DONE%s\n" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
### check if records to be updated exist and if they need updating, update as required
### connect to Cloudflare and do what needs to be done!
if [ "$ip4" -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ "$ip6" -eq 1 ]; then
# iterate hosts to update
while [ "$dnsRecordsToUpdate" != "${dnsRecordsToUpdate#*${dnsSeparator}}" ] && { [ -n "${dnsRecordsToUpdate%%${dnsSeparator}*}" ] || [ -n "${dnsRecordsToUpdate#*${dnsSeparator}}" ]; }; do
printf "[%s] Processing %s... " "$(stamp)" "$record" >>"$logFile"
# check for existing record, else exit with error (this script does NOT create new records, only updates them!)
if ! cfResult="$(curl -s -X GET "${cfZoneId}/dns_records?name=${record}&type=${recordType}" \
# exit if curl/network error
if ! cfLookup="$(curl -s -X GET "${cfZoneId}/dns_records?name=${record}&type=${recordType}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${cfKey}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json")"; then
printf "%sERROR%s\n" "$err" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
exitError 3
# exit if API error
# exit here since API errors on GET request probably indicates authentication error which would affect all remaining operations
# no reason to continue processing other hosts and pile-up errors which might look like a DoS attempt
cfSuccess="$(printf "%s" "$cfLookup" | jq -r '.success')"
if [ "$cfSuccess" = "false" ]; then
printf "%sERROR%s\n" "$err" "$norm"
# get error code and message from CF API
cfErrCode="$(printf "%s" "$cfLookup" | jq -r '.errors | .[] | .code')"
cfErrMessage="$(printf "%s" "$cfLookup" | jq -r '.errors | .[] | .message')"
printf "[%s] CF-ERR-NO: %s\n" "$(stamp)" "$cfErrCode"
printf "[%s] CF-ERR-MSG: %s\n" "$(stamp)" "$cfErrMessage"
exitError 25
resultCount="$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq '.result_info.count')"
resultCount="$(printf "%s" "$cfLookup" | jq '.result_info.count')"
# skip to next host if cannot find existing host record (this script *updates* only, does not create!)
if [ "$resultCount" = "0" ]; then
# warn if record of host not found
printf "%sNOT FOUND%s\n" "$warn" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
printf "%s[%s] WARNING: Cannot find existing record to update for DNS entry: %s%s\n" "$warn" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
invalidDomainCount=$((invalidDomainCount + 1))
objectId=$(printf "%s" "$cfLookup" | jq -r '.result | .[] | .id')
currentIpAddr=$(printf "%s" "$cfLookup" | jq -r '.result | .[] | .content')
printf "FOUND: IP = %s\n" "$currentIpAddr" >>"$logFile"
# skip to next hostname if record already up-to-date
if [ "$currentIpAddr" = "$ipAddress" ]; then
printf "%s[%s] IP address for %s is already up-to-date%s\n" "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
# update record
printf "%s[%s] Updating IP address for %s... " "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$record" >>"$logFile"
updateJSON="$(jq -n --arg key0 content --arg value0 "${ipAddress}" '{($key0):$value0}')"
# exit if curl/network error
if ! cfResult="$(curl -s -X PATCH "${cfZoneId}/dns_records/${objectId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${cfKey}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "${updateJSON}")"; then
printf "%sERROR%s\n" "$err" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
exitError 3
# note update success or failure
cfSuccess="$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq '.success')"
if [ "$cfSuccess" = "true" ]; then
printf "DONE%s\n" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
printf "%s[%s] SUCCESS: IP address for %s updated%s\n" "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
objectId=$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq -r '.result | .[] | .id')
currentIpAddr=$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq -r '.result | .[] | .content')
printf "FOUND: IP = %s\n" "$currentIpAddr" >>"$logFile"
# check if record needs updating
if [ "$currentIpAddr" = "$ipAddress" ]; then
printf "%s[%s] IP address for %s is already up-to-date%s\n" "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
# update record
printf "%s[%s] Updating IP address for %s... " "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$record" >>"$logFile"
updateJSON="$(jq -n --arg key0 content --arg value0 "${ipAddress}" '{($key0):$value0}')"
if ! cfResult="$(curl -s -X PATCH "${cfZoneId}/dns_records/${objectId}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${cfKey}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "${updateJSON}")"; then
printf "%sERROR%s\n" "$err" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
exitError 25
updateSuccess="$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq '.success')"
if [ "$updateSuccess" = "true" ]; then
printf "DONE%s\n" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
printf "%s[%s] SUCCESS: IP address for %s updated%s\n" "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
printf "%sFAILED%s\n" "$err" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
printf "%s[%s] ERROR: Unable to update IP address for %s%s\n" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
failedDomainCount=$((failedDomainCount + 1))
printf "%sFAILED%s\n" "$err" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
# get error code and message from CF API
cfErrCode="$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq -r '.errors | .[] | .code')"
cfErrMessage="$(printf "%s" "$cfResult" | jq -r '.errors | .[] | .message')"
printf "[%s] CF-ERR-NO: %s\n" "$(stamp)" "$cfErrCode"
printf "[%s] CF-ERR-MSG: %s\n" "$(stamp)" "$cfErrMessage"
printf "%s[%s] ERROR: Unable to update IP address for %s%s\n" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$record" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
# do not exit with error, API error here is probably an update issue specific to this host
# increment counter and note it after all processing finished
failedDomainCount=$((failedDomainCount + 1))
@ -438,7 +477,7 @@ if [ "$invalidDomainCount" -ne 0 ]; then
printf "%s[%s] -- WARNING: %s invalid domain(s) were supplied for updating --%s\n" "$warn" "$(stamp)" "$invalidDomainCount" "$norm" >>"$logFile"
if [ "$failedDomainCount" -ne 0 ]; then
exitError 98
exitError 26
@ -447,11 +486,11 @@ fi
# 0: normal exit, no errors
# 1: invalid or unknown parameter
# 2: cannot find or access required external program(s)
# 3: curl error (probably connection)
# 10: cannot auto-detect IP address
# 20: accountFile has a null or missing cfEmail variable
# 21: accountFile has a null or missing cfKey variable
# 22: accountFile has a null or missing cfZoneId variable
# 25: unable to query Cloudflare account
# 97: script completed with warnings
# 98: one or more updates failed
# 25: Cloudflare API error
# 26: one or more updates failed
# 99: unspecified error occurred