Asif Bacchus asif
asif released Version 2.0 at asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-05 18:58:33 -06:00
asif commented on issue asif/ps-cmdlet-wol#1 2021-09-05 18:51:35 -06:00
MacAddress parameter validation requires Try-Catch on calling script

Closed by d5c3c071cd

asif closed issue asif/ps-cmdlet-wol#1 2021-09-05 18:51:35 -06:00
MacAddress parameter validation requires Try-Catch on calling script
asif pushed to main at asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-05 18:50:21 -06:00
b968fdf93e chore(manifest): bump magicPacket to version 2.0
d5c3c071cd refactor(magicpacket): manual MAC address format validation
Compare 2 commits »
asif opened issue asif/ps-cmdlet-wol#1 2021-09-05 18:47:31 -06:00
MacAddress parameter validation requires Try-Catch on calling script
asif pushed tag v1.1 to asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-05 02:15:43 -06:00
asif released Version 1.1 at asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-05 02:15:43 -06:00
asif pushed to main at asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-05 02:13:36 -06:00
f389999ca3 docs(readme): update with auto-load instructions
1ff4a6bf6a refactor(magicpacket): add manifest and explicit function export
Compare 2 commits »
asif pushed tag v1.0 to asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-04 20:23:49 -06:00
asif released Version 1.0 at asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-04 20:23:49 -06:00
asif pushed to main at asif/ps-cmdlet-wol 2021-09-04 20:22:48 -06:00
cb53f4a7a0 chore(git): update gitignore, add gitattributes
asif pushed tag 1.2-1.36.0 to ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-03 21:24:51 -06:00
asif released Version 1.2 - SASS 1.36.0 at ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-03 21:24:51 -06:00
asif pushed to main at ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-03 21:22:14 -06:00
09ab9a5f62 fix(entrypoint): change dart-sass cli options
bc7a465c55 docs(dockerfile): update branch name for readme link
Compare 2 commits »
asif pushed to main at ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-02 03:24:13 -06:00
6a9a5f7e2a fix(entrypoint): do not stop on errors while in watch mode
asif pushed tag 1.1-1.36.0 to ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-01 23:10:05 -06:00
asif released Version 1.1 - SASS 1.36.0 at ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-01 23:10:05 -06:00
asif pushed to main at ab-docker/ab-dart-sass 2021-08-01 05:39:13 -06:00
952439a58d feature(dockerfile): remap exit code 143 to 0
asif pushed tag v2.7 to ab-docker/ab-livereload 2021-08-01 02:33:38 -06:00
asif released Version 2.7 at ab-docker/ab-livereload 2021-08-01 02:33:38 -06:00