Asif Bacchus asif
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-netcat 2020-02-07 07:51:22 -07:00
1724b25dcc update readme
asif pushed to master at asif/fail2banUFW 2020-01-17 07:01:49 -07:00
610aa092e6 combine ignoreregex into single expression
asif pushed to master at asif/fail2banUFW 2020-01-13 23:39:03 -07:00
aaab4e5eff ignore router multicast packets on LAN
asif pushed to master at asif/fun-errorpages 2019-09-23 23:11:38 -06:00
2228163edd fix typo in nginx root definition
asif pushed to master at asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 17:22:53 -06:00
a26bb36f17 define containerName once
asif pushed to master at asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 16:58:42 -06:00
bbbdf38dcc change mailcowConfigFilePath to explicit param
43f1bb0021 update gitignore, add gitattributes
Compare 2 commits »
asif deleted branch nonstandard_container_names from asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 15:29:23 -06:00
asif pushed to master at asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 15:27:45 -06:00
b371e18ab0 'containerName' instead of 'rname' for consistency
fb8091ecce Merge pull request #1 from hockeymikey/master
25c6b407a6 Ensure non-exactly named services are found
Compare 3 commits »
asif pushed to nonstandard_container_names at asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 15:23:56 -06:00
b371e18ab0 'containerName' instead of 'rname' for consistency
asif pushed to nonstandard_container_names at asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 15:21:53 -06:00
fb8091ecce Merge pull request #1 from hockeymikey/master
25c6b407a6 Ensure non-exactly named services are found
asif deleted branch testing from asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 15:19:29 -06:00
asif pushed to testing at asif/MailcowBackup 2019-09-10 15:13:15 -06:00
ca4c2c0fdc new branch test file
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-30 02:27:45 -06:00
3f08853826 update logwatch integration
c01ea25ed1 update sample logrotate config
698c19b8ed update sample backup file locations
Compare 3 commits »
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-26 06:01:45 -06:00
702e039e11 fix errant filename
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-26 02:34:08 -06:00
e495b65b24 check for root
ebc77e8137 test for pilerexport and use found full path
Compare 2 commits »
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-26 01:25:27 -06:00
5dff2a6919 logwatch configuration
224ddd931d sample logrotate config
034d12a85e new directory structure
0de191f904 add simple 503 error page
Compare 4 commits »
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-25 13:11:05 -06:00
171cdbe676 clean up spacing errors for success msg in log
e273f3274c fix permissions command structure error
Compare 2 commits »
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-25 12:57:21 -06:00
8fb80564dd fix incorrect permission assignment on tmp dir
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-25 12:46:38 -06:00
f12aa53e54 move export user notifications
asif pushed to master at asif/pilerBackup 2019-07-25 12:42:28 -06:00
257667f12a grant pilerUser permission to write to tmp dir
9c8c250318 change 'cd exportDir' error code
649d162d4c add piler user param and err check
c3aa35ab15 fix error in tmp directory removal cmd
Compare 4 commits »