Asif Bacchus asif
asif pushed to restore at asif/MailcowBackup 2021-02-05 03:13:38 -07:00
5c7064e2bd style(RESTORE): reformat
1cbbf3d66d feature(RESTORE): restore script skeleton
asif pushed to master at asif/MailcowBackup 2021-02-05 01:13:11 -07:00
2b5f8a0887 fix(BACKUP): initialize sqlDumpDirCreated
85fae7f6c8 build(SHELLCHECK): add source paths
32daba03b3 build(RIDER): add rider environment files
Compare 3 commits »
asif commented on issue asif/MailcowBackup#7 2021-02-05 01:12:42 -07:00
Line 89: Unary operator expected

fixed 2b5f8a088750838ccd2dff64d0d2cf35dc811e37

asif closed issue asif/MailcowBackup#7 2021-02-05 01:12:42 -07:00
Line 89: Unary operator expected
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-nginx 2021-01-15 06:45:06 -07:00
2940251df1 fix typo in to git link
asif released Helper-scripts version 2.0.0 at ab-docker/ab-nginx 2021-01-15 06:40:32 -07:00
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-nginx 2021-01-15 06:28:53 -07:00
6206ed49ff build(GIT): only include helper scripts in export archives
478af79158 fix(README): fix incorrect link
6f9d0ae7df style(README): force line breaks on contents items
Compare 3 commits »
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-nginx 2021-01-15 06:11:39 -07:00
db4be32b54 style(HELPERSCRIPTS): reformat code
9d5c7960c9 fix(HELPERSCRIPTS): do not display file results in container-only mode
f53e673c3f feature(HELPERSCRIPTS): add inline help
16df6570bc feature(HELPERSCRIPTS): tabular parameter help output
38d6967f68 feature(HELPERSCRIPTS): add newline function, bold formatting preset
Compare 11 commits »
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2021-01-05 16:49:40 -07:00
2b7c54ead7 docs(README): fix wrong repo name
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2021-01-05 16:48:32 -07:00
be539440e4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
93b1212676 docs(README): use dockerhub as primary reference
Compare 2 commits »
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2021-01-05 16:39:23 -07:00
402e5217a3 docs(README): use dockerhub as primary reference
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2021-01-05 16:12:11 -07:00
797777d547 chore(LABELS): revert incorrect label change
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2021-01-05 16:04:07 -07:00
c689d210b9 chore(GIT): track rider workspace settings
086fdf8479 chore(LABELS): update label info
Compare 2 commits »
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-livereload 2021-01-05 14:18:54 -07:00
ca1d56ba42 chore(ALL): all files to LF line endings
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-livereload 2021-01-05 14:15:15 -07:00
e738213ea0 docs(README): fix incomplete docker cmds
81c0b51748 docs(README): update git repo names and URLs
0e8a3845b2 chore(RIDER): update rider workspace files
ead72b089d docs(DOCKERFILE): update labels wtih new URLs
Compare 4 commits »
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-netcat 2020-12-31 01:50:04 -07:00
e4fdd4c16b update to alpine 3.12
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2020-12-27 05:03:12 -07:00
f26ed38799 build(Dockerfile): update git urls
83d41efab1 build: add comments to gitignore
fc86b1c64b build: remove Rider config tracking
Compare 3 commits »
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/ab-mariadb-alpine 2020-12-27 04:29:10 -07:00
ed6e9cfe63 docs: fix container name
c5be56fb59 fix: chown files in entrypoint vs dockerfile
e4df2adce6 feature(DOCKERFILE): use edge repo
7e10cf3996 build: Rider project config files
Compare 4 commits »
asif pushed to master at asif/DebianConfigs 2020-09-18 03:48:28 -06:00
35d68ffa9a update configuration, remove deprecated options
asif pushed to master at ab-docker/scripts 2020-09-15 23:30:37 -06:00
0f53e1b39f moved to ab-openldap repo
1e9ab5fc45 update comment header blocks
Compare 2 commits »