update scriptHelp

This commit is contained in:
Asif Bacchus 2020-08-14 00:20:49 -06:00
parent 868398858e
commit 760399a0fd
2 changed files with 56 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
"bookmarks": [
"fsPath": "$ROOTPATH$/pilerBackup/pilerbackup.sh",
"bookmarks": [
"bookmarks": []

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
### text formatting presents
if command -v tput > /dev/null; then
bold=$(tput bold)
cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
err=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1)
magenta=$(tput setaf 5)
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ if command -v tput > /dev/null; then
width=$(tput cols)
yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
@ -112,71 +114,59 @@ exitError () {
# display script help information
scriptHelp () {
printf "\n${cyan}%s\n" "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "Usage:${norm} %s [parameters]\n\n" "$scriptName"
printf "${cyan}Parameters ${yellow}(default value):${norm}\n"
printf "There are NO mandatory parameters. If a parameter is not "
printf "supplied, it's\n"
printf "default value will be used. In the case of a switch parameter, "
printf "it will\n"
printf "remain deactivated if not specified.\n\n"
printf "${magenta}script related\n"
printf "${cyan}-c, --config, --details${norm}\n"
printf "Path to the configuration key/value pair file for this script.\n"
printf "${yellow}(scriptPath/scriptName.details)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${cyan}-h, -?, --help${norm}\n"
printf "This help screen.\n\n"
printf "${cyan}-l, --log${norm}\n"
printf "Path to write log file.\n"
printf "${yellow}(scriptPath/scriptName.log)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${cyan}-v, --verbose${norm}\n"
printf "Log borg output with increased verbosity (list all files). "
printf "Careful! Your\n"
printf "log file can get large very quickly! This is a switch value, "
printf "specifying it\n"
printf "will turn the option ON.\n"
printf "${yellow}(normal output, option is OFF)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${magenta}export options\n"
printf "${cyan}-a, --all${norm}\n"
printf "Export ALL email saved by piler. This is generally only useful "
printf "for an initial\n"
printf "backup. This is a switch parameter and WILL override specified "
printf "start/end dates.\n"
printf "${yellow}(option is OFF, use start/end dates)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${cyan}--start${norm}\n"
printf "Export email starting from this date (inclusive)\n"
printf "Date MUST be provided in the format 'YYYY.MM.DD'\n"
printf "${yellow}(Yesterday's date)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${cyan}--end${norm}\n"
printf "Export email ending at this date (inclusive)\n"
printf "Date MUST be provided in the format 'YYYY.MM.DD'\n"
printf "${yellow}(Yesterday's date)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${magenta}503 functionality\n"
printf "${cyan}-5, --use-503${norm}\n"
printf "Copy an 'error 503' page to your webroot for your webserver to "
printf "find. This is a\n"
printf "switch value, specifying it will instruct the script to copy the "
printf "error page.\n"
printf "${yellow}(do NOT copy, option is OFF)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${cyan}--503-path${norm}\n"
printf "Path to the file you want copied to your webroot as the 'error "
printf "503' page during\n"
printf "backup operations.\n"
printf "${yellow}(scriptPath/503_backup.html)${norm}\n\n"
printf "${cyan}-w, --webroot${norm}\n"
printf "Path to where the 'error 503' file should be copied during "
printf "backups.\n"
printf "${yellow}(/usr/share/nginx/html)${norm}\n\n"
printf "More details and examples of script usage can be found in the "
printf "repo wiki at\n"
printf "${yellow}https://git.asifbacchus.app/asif/pilerBackup/wiki${norm}\n"
printf "${cyan}%s${norm}\n\n" "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "%sUsage: %s [parameters]%s\n\n" "$bold" "$scriptName" "$norm"
textblock "There are no mandatory parameters. If a parameter is not supplied, its default value will be used. In the case of a switch parameter, it will remain DEactivated by default."
textblock "Parameters are listed then followed by a description of their effect on the following line. Finally, if a default value exists, it will be listed on the next line in (parentheses)."
textblock "${magenta}--- script related ---${norm}"
switchTextblock "-c | --config | --details"
textblock "Path to the configuration key/value pair file for this script."
defaultsTextblock "(scriptPath/scriptName.details)"
switchTextblock "-h | -? | --help"
textblock "This help screen."
switchTextblock "-l | --log"
textblock "Path to write log file."
defaultsTextblock "(scriptPath/scriptName.log)"
switchTextblock "[SWITCH] -v | --verbose"
textblock "Log borg output with increased verbosity (list all files). Careful! Your log file can get very large very quickly!"
defaultsTextblock "(normal output, option is OFF)"
textblock "${magenta}--- export options ---${norm}"
switchTextblock "[SWITCH] -a | --all"
textblock "Export ALL email saved by piler. This is generally only useful for an initial backup. Setting this switch will override any specified start/end dates."
defaultsTextblock "(use start/end dates, option is OFF)"
switchTextblock "--start"
textblock "Export email starting from this date (inclusive). Date MUST be provided in YYYY.MM.DD format."
defaultsTextblock "(yesterday's date)"
switchTextblock "--end"
textblock "Export email ending at this date (inclusive). Date MUST be provided in YYYY.MM.DD format."
defaultsTextblock "(yesterday's date)"
textblock "${magenta}--- 503 functionality ---${norm}"
switchTextblock "[SWITCH] -5 | --use-503"
textblock "Copy an 'error 503' page/indicator file to your webroot for your webserver to find. Specifying this option will enable other 503 options."
defaultsTextblock "(do NOT copy, option is OFF)"
switchTextblock "--503-path"
textblock "Path to the file you want copied to your webroot as the 'error 503' page."
defaultsTextblock "(scriptPath/503_backup.html)"
switchTextblock "-w | --webroot"
textblock "Path to where the 'error 503' file should be copied."
defaultsTextblock "(/usr/share/nginx/html/)"
textblock "More details and examples of script usage can be found in the repo wiki at ${yellow}https://git.asifbacchus.app/asif/pilerBackup/wiki${norm}"
# generate dynamic timestamps