Configuration Error'; echo '

Please re-check config.php. It appears you forgot to provide a value for ' . $missingParam . '.

'; echo '

Unable to continue until configuration error has been resolved.

'; die(); } // global variables $output = $usePort = $useArbPort = $useEncryption = $recipient = $replyTo = NULL; // check configuration for missing entries if (!$SMTP['timeout']) $SMTP['timeout'] = 15; if (!$SMTP['hostname']) missingConfig('hostname'); if (!$SMTP['username']) missingConfig('username'); if (!$SMTP['password']) missingConfig('password'); // process POST request if made if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)){ // retain settings if (!empty($_POST['portArbitrary'])){ if (filter_var($_POST['portArbitrary'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)){ $usePort = $useArbPort = $_POST['portArbitrary']; } else{ $output .= '<< invalid port specified >>
'; } } elseif (!empty($_POST['port'])){ $usePort = $_POST['port']; } else{ $output .= '<< no port selected >>
'; } if (!empty($_POST['encryption'])){ $useEncryption = $_POST['encryption']; } else{ $output .= '<< no encryption selected >>
'; } if (!empty($_POST['recipient'])){ if (filter_var($_POST['recipient'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $recipient = $_POST['recipient']; } else{ $output .= '<< no recipient address specified >>
'; } } else{ $output .= '<< no recipient address specified >>
'; } if (!empty($_POST['replyTo'])){ if (filter_var($_POST['replyTo'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $replyTo = $_POST['replyTo']; } else{ $output .= '<< no reply address specified >>
'; } } else{ $output .= '<< no reply address specified >>
'; } // send email IFF no NULL fields if ($usePort && $useEncryption && $recipient && $replyTo){ $body = 'This is a test message from the Simple PHPMailer Test Script. You may ignore this message.'; $subject = 'PHPMailer Test-Script Message'; $mailResult = sendEmail($SMTP['timeout'], $SMTP['hostname'], $usePort, $useEncryption, $SMTP['username'], $SMTP['password'], $recipient, $replyTo, $body, $subject); $output .= $mailResult['debug']; } } else{ $output = '<< click the TEST button to start testing >>'; } ?> Email Port Test

Email Port Test

*** Remember to remove this page when you are finished testing! This page has NO protections against being used for SPAM or being otherwise abused! ***

Fill in the form options below and click the 'TEST' button. Diagnostic data will be displayed whether or not the test email was successfully relayed.



Diagnostic Output: