2018-09-29 17:06:57 -06:00

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### List of IP addresses to ignore (aka NEVER ban). This is usually just the
### localhost but could also be static IPs of admin machines that remotely
### connect, etc.
## You can use an IP address, CIDR mask or DNS host here. Multiple addresses
## can be separated by a space or comma.
## Suggest: (IP4 localhost subnet) and ::1 (IP6 localhost)
ignoreip = ::1
### Amount of time (in seconds) than an offending system should be banned.
## Suggest 1800 (30 min). This is long enough to discourage probe 'scripts'.
bantime = 1800
### Timeframes: A system is banned if it generates 'maxretry' number of
### connection attempts within 'findtime' seconds. This can be either, or
### a combination of, invalid login attempts, port-probes, connections to a
### closed port, etc.
## Suggest: 5 attempts within 5 minutes (agressive). Some people like 20
## within 10 min (moderate).
maxretry = 5
findtime = 300
### The destination email address for actions that involve email notifications.
destemail = account@domain.tld
### The sender email for actions that are sending emails.
### Note: 'sendername' doesn't seem to work, it's usually overriden by the MTA.
sender = thismachine@domain.tld
### The MTA to use for sending email. If you follow my standard setup as
### outlined at, then you are probably using msmtp
### which means you can use the default here: sendmail. MOST setups can also
### just use the default too.
mta = sendmail
# Action shortcuts
### The action to be taken by default to ACTUALLY ban an offending system.
### The specific jail configuration file can override the default ban action.
### This references an action outlined in the configuration files or, more
### likely, a configuration file in /etc/fail2ban/action.d/
## Suggest: /etc/fail2ban/action.d/ufw.conf ('ufw', the .conf is implied)
## assuming you are using UFW and it's enabled, of course.
banaction = ufw
### This is the full command processed by Fail2Ban when banning a system.
### For example, executing 'banaction' and then sending an email notification.
### Thus, 'banaction' is part of the overall 'action'.
### Defaults can be referenced in jail.conf
### If using predefined actions, put it between the brackes like:
### %(action_here)s
### leaving the '%' at the beginning and the 's' at the end.
## The most useful ones to start out with are:
## action_ = just execute 'banaction'
## action_mw = 'banaction' and email a whois report to destemail
## action_mwl = 'banaction' and email a whois report & log lines to destemail
action = %(action_mwl)s