diff --git a/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/dictionaries/asif.xml b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/dictionaries/asif.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc63b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/dictionaries/asif.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ borgbackup
+ borghelper
+ borgvars
+ listall
+ makevars
+ viewarchive
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/indexLayout.xml b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/indexLayout.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27ba142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/indexLayout.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/riderModule.iml b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/riderModule.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a4e0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/riderModule.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/vcs.xml b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/vcs.xml
index d4d4d27..45577ff 100644
--- a/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/vcs.xml
+++ b/.idea/.idea.borgScripts.dir/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -7,4 +7,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/borghelper.sh b/borghelper.sh
index ed13a27..a221bf8 100755
--- a/borghelper.sh
+++ b/borghelper.sh
@@ -15,15 +15,16 @@
trap trapExit 1 2 3 6
### functions
-cleanup () {
+cleanup() {
# remove borg temp directory, if it exists
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ -d "${borgBaseDir}/tmp" ]; then
- if ! rm -rf "${borgBaseDir}/tmp" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if ! rm -rf "${borgBaseDir}/tmp" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
consoleError 3 "Script completed successfully but could not remove temporary directory at '$borgBaseDir/tmp'. Sorry to be messy."
if [ -f "${restorePath}/touch.test" ]; then
- if ! rm -f "${restorePath}/touch.test" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if ! rm -f "${restorePath}/touch.test" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
consoleError 5 "Script completed successfully but could not remove test file at '$restorePath/touch.test'. Sorry to be messy."
@@ -37,73 +38,72 @@ consoleError() {
scriptHelp() {
printf "\n"
- textblock "${bold}Usage: borghelper.sh [parameters]${norm}"
+ textBlock "${bold}Usage: borghelper.sh [parameters]${norm}"
printf "\n"
- textblock "Simple script to read connection parameters from a flat text file and process borg 'info', 'list' and 'restore' commands without the very long command lines that are required when specifying repo names and passwords, etc."
+ textBlock "Simple script to read connection parameters from a flat text file and process borg 'info', 'list' and 'restore' commands without the very long command lines that are required when specifying repo names and passwords, etc."
printf "\n"
- textblock "${magenta}The script has the following parameters:${norm}"
+ textBlock "${magenta}The script has the following parameters:${norm}"
printf "\n"
- textblock "${magenta}--- Required Parameters ---${norm}"
+ textBlock "${magenta}--- Required Parameters ---${norm}"
printf "\n"
- ptextblock "-v|--vars"
- textblock "Path to the .borgvars file from which to read borg connection information. This is not required if run with '--makevars'."
+ textBlockParams "-v|--vars"
+ textBlock "Path to the .borgvars file from which to read borg connection information. This is not required if run with '--makevars'."
printf "\n"
- textblock "${magenta}--- Operation Modes ---${norm}"
+ textBlock "${magenta}--- Operation Modes ---${norm}"
printf "\n"
- ptextblock "--makevars"
- textblock "Create a sample .borgvars file that you can fill in and use with this script."
- ptextblock "-i|--info"
- textblock "Get information about a specified borg repo archive. Requires you supply '--archive'."
- ptextblock "-l|--list"
- textblock "List contents of a specified borg repo archive. Requires you supply '--archive'. You can optionally specify a file/pattern to search for using '--file'."
- ptextblock "-la|--list-all"
- textblock "List all available archives within the repo specified in your .borgvars file."
- ptextblock "-r|--restore"
- textblock "Restore the specified borg repo archive/file(s). Requires you supply '--archive'."
+ textBlockParams "--makevars"
+ textBlock "Create a sample .borgvars file that you can fill in and use with this script."
+ textBlockParams "-i|--info"
+ textBlock "Get information about a specified borg repo archive. Requires you supply '--archive'."
+ textBlockParams "-l|--list"
+ textBlock "List contents of a specified borg repo archive. Requires you supply '--archive'. You can optionally specify a file/pattern to search for using '--file'."
+ textBlockParams "-la|--list-all"
+ textBlock "List all available archives within the repo specified in your .borgvars file."
+ textBlockParams "-r|--restore"
+ textBlock "Restore the specified borg repo archive/file(s). Requires you supply '--archive'."
printf "\n"
- textblock "${magenta}--- Selector Parameters ---${norm}"
+ textBlock "${magenta}--- Selector Parameters ---${norm}"
printf "\n"
- ptextblock "-a|--archive"
- textblock "The archive within your borg repo you wish to work with."
- ptextblock "--exclude"
- textblock "Pattern (python/borg) of files to exclude from a restore operation."
- ptextblock "-f|--file"
- textblock "Specific file/pattern (python/borg) within an archive for which you want to restore or search. Requires that you supply '--archive'."
- ptextblock "-p|--path"
- textblock "Path to which you want your archive/files restored. This script will attempt to create the directory for you if it does not already exist."
+ textBlockParams "-a|--archive"
+ textBlock "The archive within your borg repo you wish to work with."
+ textBlockParams "--exclude"
+ textBlock "Pattern (python/borg) of files to exclude from a restore operation."
+ textBlockParams "-f|--file"
+ textBlock "Specific file/pattern (python/borg) within an archive for which you want to restore or search. Requires that you supply '--archive'."
+ textBlockParams "-p|--path"
+ textBlock "Path to which you want your archive/files restored. This script will attempt to create the directory for you if it does not already exist."
printf "\n"
- textblock "${magenta}--- Restore Options ---${norm}"
+ textBlock "${magenta}--- Restore Options ---${norm}"
printf "\n"
- ptextblock "--progress"
- textblock "Display progress indicator during restore operations. WARNING: This can drastically slow down operations on larger archives!"
- ptextblock "--verbose"
- textblock "List the individual files being processed during restore operations."
+ textBlockParams "--progress"
+ textBlock "Display progress indicator during restore operations. WARNING: This can drastically slow down operations on larger archives!"
+ textBlockParams "--verbose"
+ textBlock "List the individual files being processed during restore operations."
printf "\n"
- textblock "${magenta}--- Other Parameters ---${norm}"
+ textBlock "${magenta}--- Other Parameters ---${norm}"
printf "\n"
- ptextblock "-h|-?|--help"
- textblock "This help screen."
+ textBlockParams "-h|-?|--help"
+ textBlock "This help screen."
printf "\n"
exit 0
-textblock() {
+textBlock() {
printf "%s\n" "$1" | fold -w "$width" -s
-ptextblock() {
+textBlockParams() {
printf "%s%s%s\n" "$cyan" "$1" "$norm"
-trapExit () {
+trapExit() {
printf "%s\nScript execution terminated via signal.\n\n%s" "$err" "$norm"
exit 99
### text formatting presets
-if command -v tput > /dev/null; then
+if command -v tput >/dev/null; then
bold=$(tput bold)
cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
err=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1)
@@ -119,11 +119,10 @@ else
### pre-requisites
# is user root?
-if [ ! "$( id -u )" -eq 0 ]; then
+if [ ! "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
consoleError 1 'You must be root to run this script.'
@@ -135,96 +134,95 @@ fi
# process startup parameters
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
- -a|--archive)
- # name of backup archive
- if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- consoleError 1 "Please provide the name of the backup archive you want to work with or use '--list-all' to get a full list."
- fi
- archiveName="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- --exclude)
- # exclude files from restore
- if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- consoleError 1 "Please provide a list of exclusions in the proper borg format."
- fi
- exclusions="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- -f|--file)
- # specific file/pattern to restore
- if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- consoleError 1 'Please provide the name of the specific file/pattern for which you want to restore or search.'
- fi
- fileName="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- -h|-\?|--help)
- # display help
- scriptHelp
- ;;
- -i|--info)
- # show archive information
- operation='info'
- ;;
- -l|--list)
- # list contents of specific backup
- operation='viewarchive'
- ;;
+ -a | --archive)
+ # name of backup archive
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ consoleError 1 "Please provide the name of the backup archive you want to work with or use '--list-all' to get a full list."
+ fi
+ archiveName="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --exclude)
+ # exclude files from restore
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ consoleError 1 "Please provide a list of exclusions in the proper borg format."
+ fi
+ exclusions="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -f | --file)
+ # specific file/pattern to restore
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ consoleError 1 'Please provide the name of the specific file/pattern for which you want to restore or search.'
+ fi
+ fileName="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -h | -\? | --help)
+ # display help
+ scriptHelp
+ ;;
+ -i | --info)
+ # show archive information
+ operation='info'
+ ;;
+ -l | --list)
+ # list contents of specific backup
+ operation='viewarchive'
+ ;;
- -la|--list-all)
- # list all backup archives
- operation='listall'
- ;;
- --makevars)
- # make a borgvars template file
- operation='makevars'
- ;;
- -p|--path)
- # path to restore files
- if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- consoleError 1 'Please specify a path where you want files restored.'
- fi
- restorePath="${2%/}"
- shift
- ;;
- --progress)
- # show progress
- commonOptions="$commonOptions --progress"
- ;;
- -r|--restore)
- # restore archive/file
- operation='restore'
- ;;
- -v|--vars)
- # location of borgvars file
- if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- consoleError 1 'Please provide the path to the file with your borg connection information.'
- elif [ ! -f "$2" ]; then
- consoleError 1 'The specified borg connection information file does not exist.'
- exit 1
- fi
- varsFile="$2"
- shift
- ;;
- --verbose)
- # display each file being processed
- restoreOptions="$restoreOptions --list"
- ;;
- *)
- # invalid option
- printf "%s\nUnknown option: %s\n" "$err" "$1"
- printf "Use '--help' for valid options.\n\n%s" "$norm"
+ -la | --list-all)
+ # list all backup archives
+ operation='listall'
+ ;;
+ --makevars)
+ # make a borgvars template file
+ operation='makevars'
+ ;;
+ -p | --path)
+ # path to restore files
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ consoleError 1 'Please specify a path where you want files restored.'
+ fi
+ restorePath="${2%/}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --progress)
+ # show progress
+ commonOptions="$commonOptions --progress"
+ ;;
+ -r | --restore)
+ # restore archive/file
+ operation='restore'
+ ;;
+ -v | --vars)
+ # location of borgvars file
+ if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ consoleError 1 'Please provide the path to the file with your borg connection information.'
+ elif [ ! -f "$2" ]; then
+ consoleError 1 'The specified borg connection information file does not exist.'
exit 1
- ;;
+ fi
+ varsFile="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --verbose)
+ # display each file being processed
+ restoreOptions="$restoreOptions --list"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # invalid option
+ printf "%s\nUnknown option: %s\n" "$err" "$1"
+ printf "Use '--help' for valid options.\n\n%s" "$norm"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
### process 'makevars' operation
if [ "$operation" = 'makevars' ]; then
- if ! printf "sshKeyFile=\nborgBaseDir=\nborgRepo=\nborgRepoPassword=\nborgRepoKey=\nborgRemote=\n" > ./sample.borgvars; then
+ if ! printf "sshKeyFile=\nborgBaseDir=\nborgRepo=\nborgRepoPassword=\nborgRepoKey=\nborgRemote=\n" >./sample.borgvars; then
consoleError 4 'Could not write sample borgvars file.'
exit 0
@@ -275,25 +273,25 @@ if [ "$operation" = 'restore' ]; then
if [ -d "$restorePath" ]; then
# convert to absolute path
- cd "$restorePath" || \
- consoleError 5 'Cannot access specified restore directory.'; \
+ cd "$restorePath" ||
+ consoleError 5 'Cannot access specified restore directory.'
pwd -P
- if ! touch "${restorePath}/touch.test" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if ! touch "${restorePath}/touch.test" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
consoleError 5 'Cannot write to specified restore directory.'
- if ! mkdir -p "${restorePath}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if ! mkdir -p "${restorePath}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
consoleError 5 'Cannot create specified restore directory.'
# convert to absolute path
- cd "$restorePath" || \
- consoleError 5 'Cannot access specified restore directory.'; \
+ cd "$restorePath" ||
+ consoleError 5 'Cannot access specified restore directory.'
pwd -P
- if ! touch "${restorePath}/touch.test" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- consoleError 5 'Cannot write to specified restore directory.'
+ if ! touch "${restorePath}/touch.test" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ consoleError 5 'Cannot write to specified restore directory.'
@@ -303,14 +301,16 @@ fi
# check if file was provided as a relative or absolute path
case "${varsFile}" in
- /*)
- # absolute path, no need to rewrite variable
- . "${varsFile}"
- ;;
- *)
- # relative path, prepend './' to create absolute path
- . "./${varsFile}"
- ;;
+ # absolute path, no need to rewrite variable
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "${varsFile}"
+ ;;
+ # relative path, prepend './' to create absolute path
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "./${varsFile}"
+ ;;
# verify borg base directory
@@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ fi
export BORG_BASE_DIR="${borgBaseDir%/}"
## check path to SSH keyfile
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ -z "${sshKeyFile}" ]; then
consoleError 2 "$varsFile: 'sshKeyFile' is not specified."
elif [ ! -f "${sshKeyFile}" ]; then
@@ -330,12 +331,14 @@ fi
export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ${sshKeyFile}"
# check borg repo connect string
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ -z "${borgRepo}" ]; then
consoleError 2 "$varsFile: 'borgRepo' is not specified."
export BORG_REPO="${borgRepo}"
# check borg repo password
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ -n "${borgRepoPassword}" ]; then
export BORG_PASSPHRASE="${borgRepoPassword}"
elif [ "${borgRepoPassword}" = 'none' ]; then
@@ -345,14 +348,15 @@ else
# check borg keyfile if supplied
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ -n "${borgRepoKey}" ]; then
export BORG_KEY_FILE="${borgRepoKey}"
# export borg remote path, if specified
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [ -n "${borgRemote}" ]; then export BORG_REMOTE_PATH="${borgRemote}"; fi
### create borg temp dir:
## python requires a writable temporary directory when unpacking borg and
## executing commands. This defaults to /tmp but many systems mount /tmp with
@@ -367,7 +371,6 @@ if [ ! -d "${borgBaseDir}/tmp" ]; then
export TMPDIR="${borgBaseDir}/tmp"
### execute borg operations
# info operations
@@ -388,29 +391,31 @@ elif [ "$operation" = 'restore' ]; then
if [ -z "$fileName" ]; then
# restore entire archive
if [ "$exclusions" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
borg --show-rc ${commonOptions} extract ${restoreOptions} ::"${archiveName}" --exclude "${exclusions}"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
borg --show-rc ${commonOptions} extract ${restoreOptions} ::"${archiveName}"
elif [ "$fileName" ]; then
# restore file/pattern
if [ "$exclusions" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
borg --show-rc ${commonOptions} extract ${restoreOptions} ::"${archiveName}" "${fileName}" --exclude "${exclusions}"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
borg --show-rc ${commonOptions} extract ${restoreOptions} ::"${archiveName}" "${fileName}"
### exit gracefully
exit 0
### exit codes
# 0: no errors, script completed successfully
-# 1: parameter error (missing, non-existant or invalid input)
+# 1: parameter error (missing, non-existent or invalid input)
# 2: parameter missing/invalid in .borgvars file
# 3: could not create/remove borg tmp directory
# 4: could not write sample borgvars file (permissions?)