#!/bin/bash ### Text formatting presets normal="\e[0m" bold="\e[1m" default="\e[39m" err="\e[1;31m" warn="\e[1;93m" ok="\e[32m" lit="\e[93m" op="\e[39m" info="\e[96m" stamp="[`date +%Y-%m-%d` `date +%H:%M:%S`]" ### Functions ### ### scriptHelp -- display usage information for this script function scriptHelp { echo "In the future, I will be something helpful!" # exit with code 1 -- there is no use logging this exit 1 } ### quit -- exit the script after logging any errors, warnings, etc. function quit { # list generated warnings, if any if [ ${#exitWarn[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "${warn}${scriptName} generated the following warnings:" \ "${normal}" >> "$logFile" for warnCode in "${exitWarn[@]}"; do echo -e "${warn}-- [WARNING] ${warningExplain[$warnCode]}" \ "(code: ${warnCode}) --${normal}" >> "$logFile" done fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then # exit cleanly echo -e "\e[1;35m${stamp} -- ${scriptName} completed" \ "--${normal}" >> "$logFile" exit 0 else # log error code and exit with said code echo -e "${err}${stamp} -- [ERROR] ${errorExplain[$1]}" \ "(code: $1) --$normal" >> "$logFile" exit "$1" fi } function checkExist { if [ "$1" = "ff" ]; then # find file if [ -e "$2" ]; then # found return 0 else # not found return 1 fi elif [ "$1" = "fd" ]; then # find directory if [ -d "$2" ]; then # found return 0 else # not found return 1 fi fi } ### ncMaint - perform NextCloud maintenance mode entry and exit function ncMaint { if [ "$1" = "on" ]; then echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] Putting NextCloud in maintenance" \ "mode --${normal}" >> "$logFile" su -c "php ${ncRoot}/occ maintenance:mode --on" - "${webUser}" \ >> "$logFile" 2>&1 maintResult="$?" return "$maintResult" elif [ "$1" = "off" ]; then echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] Exiting NextCloud maintenance" \ "mode --${normal}" >> "$logFile" su -c "php ${ncRoot}/occ maintenance:mode --off" - "${webUser}" \ >> "$logFile" 2>&1 maintResult="$?" return "$maintResult" fi } ### cleanup - cleanup files and directories created by this script function cleanup { ## remove SQL dump file and directory rm -rf "$sqlDumpDir" >> "$logFile" 2>&1 # verify directory is gone checkExist fd "$sqlDumpDir" checkResult="$?" if [ "$checkResult" = "0" ]; then # directory still exists exitWarn+=('111') else # directory removed echo -e "${op}${stamp} Removed SQL temp directory${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" fi ## remove 503 error page # check value of 'clean503' to see if this is necessary (=1) otherwise, skip if [ "$clean503" -eq 1 ]; then # proceed with cleanup echo -e "${op}${stamp} Removing 503 error page..." >> "$logFile" rm -f "$webroot/$err503File" >> "$logFile" 2>&1 # verify file is actually gone checkExist ff "$webroot/$err503File" checkResult="$?" if [ "$checkResult" = "0" ]; then # file still exists exitWarn+=('5030') else # file removed echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] 503 page removed from webroot" \ "--${normal}" >> "$logFile" fi else echo -e "${op}${stamp} 503 error page never copied to webroot," \ "nothing to cleanup" >> "$logFile" fi } ### End of Functions ### ### Default parameters # store the logfile in the same directory as this script using the script's name # with the extension .log scriptPath="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" scriptName="$( basename ${0} )" logFile="$scriptPath/${scriptName%.*}.log" # set default 503 error page name and location in scriptPath err503Path="$scriptPath/503.html" err503File="${err503Path##*/}" # set borg parameters to 'normal' verbosity borgCreateParams='--stats' borgPruneParams='--list' ### Set script parameters to null and initialize array variables unset PARAMS unset sqlDumpDir unset webroot unset ncRoot unset clean503 errorExplain=() exitWarn=() warningExplain=() ### Error codes errorExplain[100]="Could not put NextCloud into Maintenance mode" ### Warning codes & messages warningExplain[111]="Could not remove SQL dump file and directory, please remove manually" warningExplain[5030]="Could not remove 503 error page. This MUST be removed manually before NGINX will serve webclients!" warningExplain[5031]="No webroot path was specified (-w parameter missing)" warningExplain[5032]="The specified webroot (-w parameter) could not be found" warningExplain[5033]="No 503 error page could be found. If not using the default located in the script directory, then check your -5 parameter" warningExplain[5035]="Error copying 503 error page to webroot" warn503="Web users will NOT be informed the server is down!" ### Process script parameters # If parameters are provided but don't start with '-' then show the help page # and exit with an error if [ -n "$1" ] && [[ ! "$1" =~ ^- ]]; then # show script help page scriptHelp fi # use GetOpts to process parameters while getopts ':l:n:v5:w:' PARAMS; do case "$PARAMS" in l) # use provided location for logFile logFile="${OPTARG}" ;; n) # NextCloud webroot ncRoot="${OPTARG}" ;; v) # verbose output from Borg borgCreateParams='--list --stats' borgPruneParams='--list' ;; 5) # Full path to 503 error page err503Path="${OPTARG%/}" err503File="${err503Path##*/}" ;; w) # path to webserver webroot to copy 503 error page webroot="${OPTARG%/}" ;; ?) # unrecognized parameters trigger scriptHelp scriptHelp ;; esac done ### Verify script pre-requisties # If not running as root, display error on console and exit if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${err}This script MUST be run as ROOT. Exiting.${normal}" exit 2 #elif [ -z "$ncRoot" ]; then # echo -e "\n${err}The NextCloud webroot must be specified (-n parameter)" \ # "${normal}\n" # exit 1 fi ### Log start of script operations echo -e "\e[1;35m${stamp}-- Start $scriptName execution ---${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" ### Export logFile variable for use by Borg export logFile="$logFile" ### Create sqlDump temporary directory and sqlDumpFile name sqlDumpDir=$( mktemp -d ) sqlDumpFile="backup-`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.sql" echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] mySQL dump file will be stored" \ "at: ${lit}${sqlDumpDir}/${sqlDumpFile}${normal}" >> "$logFile" ### 503 error page: If you dont' plan on using the auto-copied 503 then comment ### this entire section starting with '--- Begin 503 section ---' until ### '--- End 503 section ---' to suppress generated warnings ### --- Begin 503 section --- ## Check if webroot has been specified, if not, skip this entire section since there is nowhere to copy the 503 file. if [ -z "$webroot" ]; then # no webroot path provided echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] ${warn503} --${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" exitWarn+=('5031') clean503=0 else # verify webroot actually exists checkExist fd "$webroot" checkResult="$?" if [ "$checkResult" = "1" ]; then # webroot directory specified could not be found echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] ${warn503} --${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" exitWarn+=('5032') clean503=0 else # webroot exists echo -e "${op}${stamp} Using webroot: ${lit}${webroot}${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" # Verify 503 file existance at given path checkExist ff "$err503Path" checkResult="$?" if [ "$checkResult" = "1" ]; then # 503 file could not be found echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] ${warn503} --${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" exitWarn+=('5033') clean503=0 else # 503 file exists and webroot is valid. Let's copy it! echo -e "${op}${stamp} ${err503File} found at ${lit}${err503Path}" \ "${normal}" >> "$logFile" echo -e "${op}${stamp} Copying 503 error page to webroot..." \ "${normal}" >> "$logFile" cp "${err503Path}" "$webroot/" >> "$logFile" 2>&1 copyResult="$?" # verify copy was successful if [ "$copyResult" = "1" ]; then # copy was unsuccessful echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] ${warn503} --${normal}" \ >> "$logFile" exitWarn+=('5035') clean503=0 else # copy was successful echo -e "${info}${stamp} -- [INFO] 503 error page" \ "successfully copied to webroot --${normal}" >> "$logFile" clean503=1 fi fi fi fi ### --- End 503 section --- ### Put NextCloud in maintenance mode #ncMaint on # check if successful #if [ "$maintResult" = "0" ]; then # echo -e "${bold}${cyan}${stamp}...done${normal}" >> "$logFile" #else # cleanup 503 # quit 100 #fi ### Exit script cleanup quit # This code should not be executed since the 'quit' function should terminate # this script. Therefore, exit with code 99 if we get to this point. exit 99