#!/bin/bash ### Text formatting presets normal="\e[0m" bold="\e[1m" default="\e[39m" red="\e[31m" green="\e[32m" yellow="\e[33m" magenta="\e[35m" cyan="\e[36m" stamp="[`date +%Y-%m-%d` `date +%H:%M:%S`]" ### Functions ### ### scriptHelp -- display usage information for this script function scriptHelp { echo "In the future, I will be something helpful!" # exit with code 98 -- there is no use logging this exit 1 } ### quit -- exit the script after logging any errors, warnings, etc. and ### cleaning up as necessary function quit { if [ -z "$1" ]; then # exit cleanly echo -e "${bold}${green}${stamp} -- [SUCCESS] Script completed" \ "--$normal" >> "$logFile" exit 0 else # log error code and exit with said code echo -e "${bold}${red}${stamp} -- [ERROR] Script exited with code $1" \ " --$normal" >> "$logFile" echo -e "${red}${errorExplain[$1]}$normal" >> "$logFile" exit "$1" fi } function checkExist { if [ "$1" = "ff" ]; then # find file if [ -e "$2" ]; then # found echo -e "${normal}${stamp} File found: ${yellow}${2}${normal}" \ >> $logFileVerbose return 0 else # not found echo -e "${red}${stamp} File NOT found: ${yellow}${2}${normal}" \ >> $logFileVerbose return 1 fi elif [ "$1" = "fd" ]; then # find directory if [ -d "$2" ]; then # found echo -e "${normal}${stamp} Dir found: ${yellow}${2}${normal}" \ >> $logFileVerbose return 0 else # not found echo -e "${red}${stamp} Dir NOT found: ${yellow}${2}${normal}" \ >> $logFileVerbose return 1 fi fi } ### End of Functions ### ### Default parameters # store the logfile in the same directory as this script using the script's name # with the extension .log scriptPath="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" scriptName="$( basename ${0} )" logFile="$scriptPath/${scriptName%.*}.log" # set script parameters to null and initialize array variables unset PARAMS unset logLevel unset logFileNormal unset logFileVerbose unset borgCreateParams unset borgPruneParams errorExplain=() ### Error codes errorExplain[2]="This script MUST be run as ROOT." ### Process script parameters # if no parameters provided, then show the help page and exit with error if [ -z $1 ]; then # show script help page scriptHelp fi # use GetOpts to process parameters while getopts ':l:nv' PARAMS; do case "$PARAMS" in l) # use provided location for logFile logFile="${OPTARG}" ;; n) # standard logging (script errors, Borg summary) logLevel="normal" ;; v) # verbose logging (script errors, Borg details) logLevel="verbose" ;; ?) # unrecognized parameters trigger scriptHelp scriptHelp ;; esac done ### Verify script running as root, otherwise exit if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then quit 2 fi ### Set logging verbosity based on invocation parameters if [ "$logLevel" = "normal" ]; then borgCreateParams='--stats' borgPruneParams="--list" unset logFileVerbose logFileNormal="$logFile" elif [ "$logLevel" = "verbose" ]; then borgCreateParams='--list --stats' borgPruneParams='--list' logFileVerbose="$logFile" unset logFileNormal fi ### Log start of script operations echo -e "${bold}${stamp}-- Start $scriptName execution ---" >> "$logFile" ### Export logFile variable for use by Borg export logFile="$logFile" # This code should not be executed since the 'quit' function should terminate # this script. Therefore, exit with code 99 if we get to this point. exit 99