#!/bin/sh ####### ### mailcow backup using borgbackup ### this assumes three things: ### 1. standard mailcow-dockerized setup as per the docs ### 2. using borg to perform backups to ssh-capable remote server ### 3. remote repo already set-up and configured ####### ### text formatting presents if command -v tput > /dev/null; then bold=$(tput bold) cyan=$(tput setaf 6) err=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1) magenta=$(tput setaf 5) norm=$(tput sgr0) ok=$(tput setaf 2) warn=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 3) width=$(tput cols) yellow=$(tput setaf 3) else bold="" cyan="" err="" magenta="" norm="" ok="" warn="" width=80 yellow="" fi ### trap trap trapExit 1 2 3 6 ### functions # bad configuration value passed in details file badDetails() { if [ "$1" = "empty" ]; then exitError 130 "details:${2} cannot be NULL (undefined)" elif [ "$1" = "dne" ]; then exitError 131 "details:${2} file or directory does not exist." fi } # bad parameter passed to script badParam() { if [ "$1" = "dne" ]; then printf "\n%sError: '%s %s'\n" "$err" "$2" "$3" printf "file or directory does not exist.%s\n\n" "$norm" exit 1 elif [ "$1" = "empty" ]; then printf "\n%sError: '%s' cannot have a NULL (empty) value.\n" "$err" "$2" printf "%sPlease use '--help' for assistance%s\n\n" "$cyan" "$norm" exit 1 elif [ "$1" = "svc" ]; then printf "\n%sError: '%s %s': Service does not exist!%s\n\n" \ "$err" "$2" "$3" "$norm" exit 1 elif [ "$1" = "user" ]; then printf "\n%sError: '%s %s': User does not exist!%s\n\n" \ "$err" "$2" "$3" "$norm" exit 1 fi } # cleanup cleanup() { # cleanup 503 if copied if [ "$err503Copied" -eq 1 ]; then if ! rm -f "$webroot/$err503File" 2>>"$logFile"; then printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Could not remove 503 error page." \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf " Web interface will not function until this file is " \ >> "$logFile" printf "removed --%s\n" "$norm" >> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) else printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] 503 error page removed --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" fi fi # cleanup SQL dump directory if created if [ "$sqlDumpDirCreated" -eq 1 ]; then if ! rm -rf "$sqlDumpDir" 2>>"$logFile"; then printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Could not remove temporary SQL-dump directory. Sorry for the mess. --%s\n" \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Temporary SQL-dump directory removed successfully --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" fi fi # start docker containers (no harm if they are already running) doDocker start postfix if [ "$dockerResultState" = "true" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] POSTFIX container is running --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else exitError 102 'Could not start POSTFIX container.' fi doDocker start dovecot if [ "$dockerResultState" = "true" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] DOVECOT container is running --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else exitError 102 'Could not start DOVECOT container.' fi } doDocker() { containerName="$( docker ps -a --format '{{ .Names }}' --filter name=${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_${2}-mailcow_1 )" # determine action to take if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Stopping %s-mailcow container --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$2" "$norm" >> "$logFile" docker-compose -f "$mcDockerCompose" stop --timeout "$dockerStopTimeout" "$2-mailcow" 2>> "$logFile" # set result vars dockerResultState="$( docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Running }}' $containerName )" dockerResultExit="$( docker inspect -f '{{ .State.ExitCode }}' $containerName )" elif [ "$1" = "start" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Starting %s-mailcow container --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$2" "$norm" >> "$logFile" docker-compose -f "$mcDockerCompose" start "$2-mailcow" 2>> "$logFile" # set result vars dockerResultState="$( docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Running }}' $containerName )" fi } # call cleanup and then exit with error report exitError() { printf "%s[%s] -- [ERROR] %s: %s --%s\n" \ "$err" "$(stamp)" "$1" "$2" "$norm" >> "$logFile" cleanup # note script completion with error printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution completed with error ---%s\n" \ "$err" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >> "$logFile" exit "$1" } # display script help information scriptHelp() { newline printf "%sUsage: %s [parameters]%s\n\n" "$bold" "$scriptName" "$norm" textblock "There are NO mandatory parameters. If a parameter is not supplied, its default value will be used. In the case of a switch parameter, it will remain DEactivated if NOT specified." newline textblock "Parameters are listed then followed by a description of their effect on the following line. Finally, if a default value exists, it will be listed on the next line in (parentheses)." newline textblock "${magenta}--- script related parameters ---${norm}" newline switchTextblock "-b | --borg" textblock "FULL path to borg executable file if not in the default location." defaultsTextblock "(/usr/bin/borg)" newline switchTextblock "-c | --config | --details" textblock "Path to the configuration key/value-pair file for this script." defaultsTextblock "(scriptPath/scriptName.details)" newline switchTextblock "-h | -? | --help" textblock "This help screen" newline switchTextblock "-l | --log" textblock "Path to write log file" defaultsTextblock "(scriptPath/scriptName.log)" newline switchTextblock "[SWITCH] --nc | --no-color | --no-colour" textblock "Do NOT use ANSI colourization in the log file (in case your preferred log viewer does not support it)." defaultsTextblock "(use ANSI colourization to make log file look good)" newline switchTextblock "--compression" textblock "Compression algorithm(s) that borg should use. Please run 'borg help compression' for details." defaultsTextblock "(not specified, use borg default of lz4)" newline switchTextblock "[SWITCH] -v | --verbose" textblock "Log borg output with increased verbosity (list all files). Careful! Your log file can get very large very quickly!" defaultsTextblock "(normal output, option is OFF)" newline textblock "${magenta}--- 503 functionality ---${norm}" newline switchTextblock "[SWITCH] -5 | --use-503" textblock "Copy an 'error 503' page/indicator file to your webroot for your webserver to find. Specifying this option will enable other 503 options." defaultsTextblock "(do NOT copy, option is OFF)" newline switchTextblock "--503-path" textblock "Path to the file you want copied to your webroot as the 'error 503' page." defaultsTextblock "(scriptPath/503_backup.html)" newline switchTextblock "-w | --webroot" textblock "Path to where the 'error 503' file should be copied." defaultsTextblock "(/usr/share/nginx/html/)" newline textblock "${magenta}--- mailcow related ---${norm}" newline switchTextblock "-d | --docker-compose" textblock "Path to mailcow's 'docker-compose.yml' file." defaultsTextblock "(/opt/mailcow-dockerized/docker-compose.yml)" newline switchTextblock "-m | --mailcow-config" textblock "Path to mailcow configuration file ('mailcow.conf')." defaultsTextblock "(/opt/mailcow-dockerized/mailcow.conf)" newline switchTextblock "-t1 | --dockerStartTimeout" textblock "Seconds to wait for docker containers to start." defaultsTextblock "(180)" newline switchTextblock "-t2 | --dockerStopTimeout" textblock "Seconds to wait for docker containers to stop." defaultsTextblock "(120)" newline textblock "More details and examples of script usage can be found in the repo wiki at ${yellow}https://git.asifbacchus.app/asif/MailcowBackup/wiki${norm}" newline } # generate dynamic timestamps stamp() { (date +%F" "%T) } textblock() { printf "%s\n" "$1" | fold -w "$width" -s } defaultsTextblock() { printf "%s%s%s\n" "$yellow" "$1" "$norm" } switchTextblock() { printf "%s%s%s\n" "$cyan" "$1" "$norm" } # print a blank line newline() { printf "\n" } # same as exitError but for signal captures trapExit() { printf "%s[%s] -- [ERROR] 99: Caught signal --%s\n" \ "$err" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" cleanup # note script completion with error printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution was terminated via signal ---%s\n" \ "$err" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >> "$logFile" exit 99 } ### end of functions ### default variable values ## script related # store logfile in the same directory as this script file using the same file # name as the script but with the extension '.log' scriptPath="$( CDPATH='' \cd -- "$( dirname -- "$0" )" && pwd -P )" scriptName="$( basename "$0" )" logFile="$scriptPath/${scriptName%.*}.log" colourizeLogFile=1 warnCount=0 configDetails="$scriptPath/${scriptName%.*}.details" err503Copied=0 sqlDumpDirCreated=0 exclusions=0 borgPath="/usr/bin/borg" # borg output verbosity -- normal borgCreateParams='--stats' borgPruneParams='--list' # 503 related use503=0 err503Path="$scriptPath/503_backup.html" err503File="${err503Path##*/}" webroot="/usr/share/nginx/html" # mailcow/docker related mcConfig='/opt/mailcow-dockerized/mailcow.conf' mcDockerCompose="/opt/mailcow-dockerized/docker-compose.yml" dockerStartTimeout=180 dockerStopTimeout=120 ### process startup parameters while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|-\?|--help) # display help scriptHelp exit 0 ;; -l|--log) # set log file location if [ -n "$2" ]; then logFile="${2%/}" shift else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; --nc|--no-color|--no-colour) # do NOT colourize log file colourizeLogFile=0 ;; -b|--borg) # specify non-default borg path if [ -n "$2" ]; then borgPath="${2%/}" shift else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; -c|--config|--details) # location of config details file if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -f "$2" ]; then configDetails="${2%/}" shift else badParam dne "$@" fi else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; --compression) # set borg archive compression if [ -n "$2" ]; then borgCompression="$2" shift else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; -v|--verbose) # set verbose logging from borg borgCreateParams='--list --stats' borgPruneParams='--list' ;; -5|--use-503) # enable copying 503 error page to webroot use503=1 ;; --503-path) # FULL path to 503 file if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -f "$2" ]; then err503Path="${2%/}" err503File="${2##*/}" shift else badParam dne "$@" fi else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; -w|--webroot) # path to webroot (copy 503) if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -d "$2" ]; then webroot="${2%/}" shift else badParam dne "$@" fi else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; -d|--docker-compose) # FULL path to mailcow docker-compose file if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -f "$2" ]; then mcDockerCompose="$2" shift else badParam dne "$@" fi else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; -m|--mailcow-config) # FULL path to mailcow configuration file if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -f "$2" ]; then mcConfig="$2" shift else badParam dne "$@" fi else badParam empty "$@" fi ;; -t1|--timeout-start) if [ -z "$2" ]; then badParam empty "$@" else dockerStartTimeout="$2" shift fi ;; -t2|--timeout-stop) if [ -z "$2" ]; then badParam empty "$@" else dockerStopTimeout="$2" shift fi ;; *) printf "\n%sUnknown option: %s\n" "$err" "$1" printf "%sUse '--help' for valid options.%s\n\n" "$cyan" "$norm" exit 1 ;; esac shift done ### check pre-requisites and default values # check if running as root, otherwise exit if [ "$( id -u )" -ne 0 ]; then printf "\n%sERROR: script MUST be run as ROOT%s\n\n" "$err" "$norm" exit 2 fi # does the details file exist? if [ ! -f "$configDetails" ]; then badParam dne "(--details default)" "$configDetails" fi # is borg installed? if ! find "$borgPath" -type f -executable > /dev/null 2>&1; then printf "\n%sERROR: BORG cannot be found in the specified or default location on this system!%s\n\n" "$err" "$norm" exit 3 fi # if 503 functionality is enabled, do 503 related files exist? if [ "$use503" -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -f "$err503Path" ]; then badParam dne "(--503-path default)" "$err503Path" elif [ ! -d "$webroot" ]; then badParam dne "(--webroot default)" "$webroot" fi fi # verify mailcow.conf location and extract path if [ ! -f "$mcConfig" ]; then badParam dne "(--mailcow-config)" "$mcConfig" fi # verify docker-compose file exists if [ ! -f "$mcDockerCompose" ]; then badParam dne "(--docker-compose)" "$mcDockerCompose" fi # set compression level if specified if [ -n "$borgCompression" ]; then borgCreateParams="${borgCreateParams} --compression ${borgCompression}" fi # remove colourization if parameter specified if [ "$colourizeLogFile" -eq 0 ]; then bold="" cyan="" err="" magenta="" norm="" ok="" warn="" yellow="" fi ### read mailcow.conf and set vars as needed # shellcheck source=./mailcow.conf.shellcheck . "$mcConfig" export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT="$dockerStartTimeout" ### start logging printf "%s[%s] --- Start %s execution ---%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >> "$logFile" printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Log located at %s%s%s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$yellow" "$logFile" "$cyan" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ### get location of docker volumes dockerVolumeMail=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_vmail-vol-1) printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Using MAIL volume: %s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$dockerVolumeMail" "$norm" >> "$logFile" dockerVolumeRspamd=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_rspamd-vol-1) printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Using RSPAMD volume: %s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$dockerVolumeRspamd" "$norm" >> "$logFile" dockerVolumePostfix=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_postfix-vol-1) printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Using POSTFIX volume: %s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$dockerVolumePostfix" "$norm" >> "$logFile" dockerVolumeRedis=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_redis-vol-1) printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Using REDIS volume: %s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$dockerVolumeRedis" "$norm" >> "$logFile" dockerVolumeCrypt=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_crypt-vol-1) printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Using MAILCRYPT volume: %s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$dockerVolumeCrypt" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ### read details file to get variables needed run borg # check if config details file was provided as a relative or absolute path case "${configDetails}" in /*) # absolute path, no need to rewrite variable # shellcheck source=./backup.details . "${configDetails}" ;; *) # relative path, prepend './' to create absolute path # shellcheck source=./backup.details . "./${configDetails}" ;; esac printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] %s%s%s imported --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$yellow" "$configDetails" "$cyan" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ### Run borg variable checks printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Verifying supplied borg details --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ## verify borg base directory if [ -z "${borgBaseDir}" ]; then badDetails empty 'borgBaseDir' elif [ ! -d "${borgBaseDir}" ]; then badDetails dne 'borgBaseDir' fi printf "%sdetails:borgBaseDir %s-- %s[OK]%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" export BORG_BASE_DIR="${borgBaseDir%/}" ## check path to SSH keyfile if [ -z "${borgSSHKey}" ]; then badDetails empty 'borgSSHKey' elif [ ! -f "${borgSSHKey}" ]; then badDetails dne 'borgSSHKey' fi printf "%sdetails:borgSSHKey %s-- %s[OK]%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ## check SSH port if [ -z "${borgSSHPort}" ]; then borgSSHPort=22 printf "%sdetails:borgSSHPort %s-- %s[DEFAULT]%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else printf "%sdetails:borgSSHPort %s-- %s[CUSTOM]%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" fi export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ${borgSSHKey} -p ${borgSSHPort}" ## check borg repo connect string if [ -z "${borgConnectRepo}" ]; then badDetails empty 'borgConnectRepo' fi printf "%sdetails:borgConnectRepo %s-- %s[OK]%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" export BORG_REPO="${borgConnectRepo}" ## check borg repo password if [ -n "${borgRepoPassphrase}" ]; then printf "%sdetails:borgRepoPassphrase %s-- %s[OK]%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" export BORG_PASSPHRASE="${borgRepoPassphrase}" else # if passwd is blank intentionally, this is insecure printf "%s-- [WARNING] Using a borg repo without a password is an " \ "$warn" >> "$logFile" printf "insecure configuration --%s\n" "$norm">> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) # if this was an accident, we need to provide a bogus passwd so borg fails # otherwise it will sit forever just waiting for input export BORG_PASSPHRASE="DummyPasswordSoBorgFails" fi ## check borg repository keyfile location if [ -z "${borgKeyfileLocation}" ]; then printf "%sdetails:borgKeyfileLocation %s-- %s[DEFAULT]%s\n" "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else # check if keyfile location exists if [ ! -f "${borgKeyfileLocation}" ]; then badDetails dne 'borgKeyfileLocation' fi printf "%sdetails:borgKeyfileLocation %s-- %s[OK]%s\n" "$magenta" "$norm" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" export BORG_KEY_FILE="${borgKeyfileLocation}" fi ## export borg remote path, if specified if [ -n "${borgRemote}" ]; then export BORG_REMOTE_PATH="${borgRemote}"; fi ## check if exclusion list file is specified if [ -n "${borgExcludeListPath}" ]; then # check if the file actually exists if [ ! -f "${borgExcludeListPath}" ]; then badDetails dne 'borgExcludeListPath' fi exclusions=1 fi ## read additional files if [ -z "${borgXtraListPath}" ]; then xtraList='' else # check if file actually exists if [ ! -f "${borgXtraListPath}" ]; then badDetails dne 'borgXtraListPath' fi # read file contents into concatenated list for echo to cmdline while read -r xtraItem; do if [ -z "${xtraList}" ]; then xtraList="${xtraItem}" else xtraList="${xtraList} ${xtraItem}" fi done <> "$logFile" fi ### set location of sql dump # this is done before resetting default TMP dir for borg if ! sqlDumpDir=$( mktemp -d 2>/dev/null ); then exitError 115 'Unable to create temp directory for SQL dump.' else sqlDumpFile="backup-$( date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S ).sql" sqlDumpDirCreated=1 printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] SQL dump file will be stored at: %s --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$sqlDumpDir/$sqlDumpFile" "$norm" >> "$logFile" fi ### create borg temp dir: ## python requires a writable temporary directory when unpacking borg and ## executing commands. This defaults to /tmp but many systems mount /tmp with ## the 'noexec' option for security. Thus, we will use/create a 'tmp' folder ## within the BORG_BASE_DIR and instruct python to use that instead of /tmp # check if BORG_BASE_DIR/tmp exists, if not, create it if [ ! -d "${borgBaseDir}/tmp" ]; then if ! mkdir "${borgBaseDir}/tmp"; then exitError 132 "Unable to create borg ${borgBaseDir}/tmp directory" else printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Created %s%s/tmp " \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$yellow" "${borgBaseDir}" >> "$logFile" printf "%s--%s\n" "$cyan" "$norm">> "$logFile" fi fi export TMPDIR="${borgBaseDir}/tmp" ### 503 functionality if [ "$use503" -eq 1 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Copying 503 error page to " \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "webroot -- %s\n" "$norm">> "$logFile" if ! \cp --force "${err503Path}" "${webroot}/${err503File}" 2>> "$logFile" then printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Failed to copy 503 error page. " \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "Web users will NOT be notified --%s\n" "$norm" >> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) else printf "%s[%s] -- [SUCCESS] 503 error page copied --%s\n" \ "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" # set cleanup flag err503Copied=1 fi fi ### change to mailcow directory so docker commands execute properly \cd "${mcConfig%/*}" || exitError 100 'Could not change to mailcow directory.' ### stop postfix and dovecot mail containers to prevent mailflow during backup doDocker stop postfix if [ "$dockerResultState" = "false" ] && [ "$dockerResultExit" -eq 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] POSTFIX container stopped --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else exitError 101 'Could not stop POSTFIX container.' fi doDocker stop dovecot if [ "$dockerResultState" = "false" ] && [ "$dockerResultExit" -eq 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] DOVECOT container stopped --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else exitError 101 'Could not stop DOVECOT container.' fi ### dump SQL printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Dumping mailcow SQL database --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" docker-compose exec -T mysql-mailcow mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8mb4 \ -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME} > "$sqlDumpDir/$sqlDumpFile" 2>> "$logFile" dumpResult=$( docker-compose exec -T mysql-mailcow echo "$?" ) if [ "$dumpResult" -eq 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] SQL database dumped successfully --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else exitError 118 'There was an error dumping the mailcow SQL database.' fi ### dump redis inside container # delete old redis dump if it exists if [ -f "$dockerVolumeRedis/dump.rdb" ]; then rm -f "$dockerVolumeRedis/dump.rdb" fi # dump redis printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Dumping mailcow redis database --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" docker-compose exec -T redis-mailcow redis-cli save >> "$logFile" 2>&1 rdumpResult=$( docker-compose exec -T redis-mailcow echo "$?" ) if [ "$rdumpResult" -eq 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] mailcow redis dumped successfully --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else exitError 119 'There was an error dumping the mailcow redis database.' fi ### execute borg depending on whether exclusions are defined printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Pre-backup tasks completed, calling borgbackup --%s\n" "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ## construct the proper borg commandline # base command if [ "$exclusions" -eq 0 ]; then borgCMD="${borgPath} create --show-rc ${borgCreateParams} \ ::$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S) \ ${mcConfig%/*} \ ${sqlDumpDir} \ ${dockerVolumeMail} \ ${dockerVolumeRspamd} \ ${dockerVolumePostfix} \ ${dockerVolumeRedis} \ ${dockerVolumeCrypt} \ ${xtraList}" elif [ "$exclusions" -eq 1 ]; then borgCMD="${borgPath} create --show-rc ${borgCreateParams} \ --exclude-from ${borgExcludeListPath} \ ::$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S) \ ${mcConfig%/*} \ ${sqlDumpDir} \ ${dockerVolumeMail} \ ${dockerVolumeRspamd} \ ${dockerVolumePostfix} \ ${dockerVolumeRedis} \ ${dockerVolumeCrypt} \ ${xtraList}" fi # execute borg printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Executing borg backup operation --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" ${borgCMD} 2>> "$logFile" borgResult="$?" ## check borg exit status if [ "$borgResult" -eq 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [SUCCESS] Borg backup completed --%s\n" \ "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" elif [ "$borgResult" -eq 1 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Borg completed with warnings. " \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "Review this logfile for details --%s\n" "$norm">> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) elif [ "$borgResult" -ge 2 ]; then err_1="Borg exited with a critical error. Please review this log file" err_2="for details." exitError 138 "$err_1 $err_2" else printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Borg exited with unknown return code. " \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "Review this logfile for details --%s\n" "$norm">> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) fi ### execute borg prune if paramters are provided, otherwise skip with a warning if [ -n "${borgPruneSettings}" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] Executing borg prune operation --%s\n" \ "$cyan" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" "${borgPath}" prune --show-rc -v ${borgPruneParams} ${borgPruneSettings} \ 2>> "$logFile" borgPruneResult="$?" else printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] No prune parameters provided. " \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "Your archive will continue growing with each backup --%s\n" \ "$norm" >> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) fi ## report on prune operation if executed if [ -n "${borgPruneResult}" ]; then if [ "${borgPruneResult}" -eq 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [SUCCESS] Borg prune completed --%s\n" \ "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" elif [ "$borgPruneResult" -eq 1 ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Borg prune completed with warnings. " \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "Review this logfile for details --%s\n" "$norm" >> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) elif [ "$borgPruneResult" -ge 2 ]; then err_1="Borg prune exited with a critical error. Please review this" err_2="log file for details." exitError 139 "$err_1 $err_2" else printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] Borg prune exited with an unknown " \ "$warn" "$(stamp)" >> "$logFile" printf "return code. Review this logfile for details --%s\n" \ "$norm" >> "$logFile" warnCount=$((warnCount+1)) fi fi ### all processes successfully completed, cleanup and exit gracefully # note successful completion of borg commands printf "%s[%s] -- [SUCCESS] Backup operations completed --%s\n" \ "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" # cleanup cleanup # note complete success, tally warnings and exit printf "%s[%s] -- [SUCCESS] All processes completed --%s\n" \ "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >> "$logFile" printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution completed ---%s\n" \ "$magenta" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >> "$logFile" if [ "$warnCount" -gt 0 ]; then printf "%s%s warnings issued!%s\n" "$warn" "${warnCount}" "$norm" >> "$logFile" else printf "%s0 warnings issued.%s\n" "$ok" "$norm" >> "$logFile" fi exit 0 ### error codes # 1: parameter error # 2: not run as root # 3: borg not installed # 99: TERM signal trapped # 100: could not change to mailcow-dockerized directory # 101: could not stop container(s) # 102: could not start container(s) # 115: unable to create temp dir for SQL dump # 118: error dumping SQL database # 119: error dumping redis database # 130: null configuration variable in details file # 131: invalid configuration variable in details file # 138: borg exited with a critical error # 139: borg prune exited with a critical error