#!/bin/sh ####### ### restore mailcow from borgbackup repository ### this assumes three things: ### 1. standard mailcow-dockerized setup as per the docs ### 2. backups made using the backup script from this git repo ### 3. backups already downloaded from your borg repo ####### ### text-formatting presets if command -v tput >/dev/null; then bold=$(tput bold) cyan=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 6) err=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1) info=$(tput sgr0) magenta=$(tput sgr0)$(tput setaf 5) norm=$(tput sgr0) ok=$(tput setaf 2) width=$(tput cols) yellow=$(tput sgr0)$(tput setaf 3) else bold='' cyan='' err='' info='' magenta='' norm='' ok='' width=80 yellow='' fi ### trap trap trapExit 1 2 3 6 ### functions consoleError() { printf "\n%s%s\n" "$err" "$2" printf "Exiting.\n\n%s" "$norm" exit "$1" } exitError() { printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution completed with error ---\n%s" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >>"$logfile" exit "$1" } doRestore() { sourceFiles=$(find "${backupLocation}" -iname "${1}" -type d) if [ -n "$sourceFiles" ]; then if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then if (! (cd "$sourceFiles/_data" && tar -cf - .) | (cd "${2}" && tar xvf -) > "$logfile" ); then return 1 else return 0 fi else if (! (cd "$sourceFiles/_data" && tar -cf - .) | (cd "${3}" && tar xvf -) ); then return 1 else return 0 fi fi else return 2 fi } scriptHelp() { textNewline printf "%sUsage: %s [parameters]%s\n\n" "$bold" "$scriptName" "$norm" textNewline textblock "If a parameter is not supplied, its default value will be used. Switch parameters will remain DEactivated if NOT specified." textNewline exit 0 } stamp() { (date +%F' '%T) } textblock() { printf "%s\n" "$1" | fold -w "$width" -s } textblockHeader() { printf "\n%s%s***%s***%s\n" "$bold" "$magenta" "$1" "$norm" } textblockParam() { if [ -z "$2" ]; then # no default printf "%s%s%s\n" "$cyan" "$1" "$norm" else # default parameter provided printf "%s%s %s(%s)%s\n" "$cyan" "$1" "$yellow" "$2" "$norm" fi } textNewline() { printf "\n" } trapExit() { printf "%s[%s] -- [ERROR] 99: Caught signal --%s\n" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$norm" >>"$logfile" printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution terminated via signal ---\n%s" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >>"$logfile" exit 99 } writeLog() { if [ "$1" = "task" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] %s... " "$info" "$(stamp)" "$2" >>"$logfile" elif [ "$1" = "done" ]; then if [ -z "$2" ]; then printf "%sdone%s --\n%s" "$ok" "$info" "$norm" >>"$logfile" elif [ "$2" = "error" ]; then printf "%sERROR%s --\n%s" "$err" "$info" "$norm" >>"$logfile" elif [ "$2" = "warn" ]; then printf "%swarning%s --\n%s" "$yellow" "$info" "$norm" >>"$logfile" fi elif [ "$1" = "error" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [ERROR] %s: %s --\n%s" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$2" "$3" "$norm" >>"$logfile" elif [ "$1" = "warn" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [WARNING] %s --\n%s" "$yellow" "$(stamp)" "$2" "$norm" >>"$logfile" elif [ "$1" = "info" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [INFO] %s --\n%s" "$info" "$(stamp)" "$2" "$norm" >>"$logfile" elif [ "$1" = "success" ]; then printf "%s[%s] -- [SUCCESS] %s --\n%s" "$ok" "$(stamp)" "$2" "$norm" >>"$logfile" fi } ### parameter defaults # script related scriptPath="$(CDPATH='' cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)" scriptName="$(basename "$0")" errorCount=0 warnCount=0 backupLocation="" sqlBackup="" restoreMail=1 restoreSQL=1 restorePostfix=1 restoreRedis=1 restoreRspamd=1 verbose=0 # logfile default: same location and name as script but with '.log' extension logfile="$scriptPath/${scriptName%.*}.log" # mailcow/docker related mcConfig='/opt/mailcow-dockerized/mailcow.conf' mcDockerCompose='/opt/mailcow-dockerized/docker-compose.yml' sqlRunning=0 dockerStartTimeout=180 dockerStopTimeout=120 ### check if user is root if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then consoleError '2' "This script must be run as ROOT." fi ### process startup parameters while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|-\?|--help) # display help scriptHelp ;; -l|--log) # set logfile location if [ -z "$2" ]; then consoleError '1' "Log file path cannot be null. Leave unspecified to save log in the same directory as this script." fi logfile="$2" shift ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=1 ;; -d|--docker-compose) # FULL path to docker-compose file if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -f "$2" ]; then mcDockerCompose="$2" shift else consoleError '1' "$1: cannot find docker-compose file as specified." fi else consoleError '1' "$1: cannot be blank/empty." fi ;; -m|--mailcow-config) # FULL path to mailcow configuration file file if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -f "$2" ]; then mcConfig="$2" shift else consoleError '1' "$1: cannot find mailcow configuration file as specified." fi else consoleError '1' "$1: cannot be blank/empty." fi ;; -t1|--timeout-start) if [ -z "$2" ]; then consoleError '1' "$1: cannot be blank/empty." else dockerStartTimeout="$2" shift fi ;; -t2|--timeout-stop) if [ -z "$2" ]; then consoleError '1' "$1: cannot be blank/empty." else dockerStopTimeout="$2" shift fi ;; -b|--backup-location) if [ -n "$2" ]; then if [ -d "$2" ] && [ -n "$( ls -A "$2" )" ]; then backupLocation="${2%/}" shift else consoleError '1' "$1: cannot find specified backup location directory or it is empty." fi else consoleError '1' "$1: cannot be blank/empty." fi ;; --skip-mail) restoreMail=0 ;; --skip-sql) restoreSQL=0 ;; --skip-postfix) restorePostfix=0 ;; --skip-redis) restoreRedis=0 ;; --skip-rspamd) restoreRspamd=0 ;; *) printf "\n%sUnknown option: %s\n" "$err" "$1" printf "Use '--help' for valid options.%s\n\n" "$norm" exit 1 ;; esac shift done ### pre-flight checks # set path so checks are valid for this script environment export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" # docker installed? if ! command -v docker >/dev/null; then consoleError '3' 'docker does not seem to be installed!' fi # mailcow.conf? if [ ! -f "$mcConfig" ]; then consoleError '1' "mailcow configuration file ($mcConfig) cannot be found." fi # docker-compose configuration? if [ ! -f "$mcDockerCompose" ]; then consoleError '1' "docker-compose configuration ($mcDockerCompose) cannot be found." fi # forgot to set backup location? if [ -z "$backupLocation" ]; then consoleError '1' "'--backup-location' cannot be unspecified or null/empty." fi # change to mailcow directory so commands execute properly \cd "${mcConfig%/*}" || consoleError '4' 'Cannot change to mailcow directory as determined from mailcow.conf location.' ### read mailcow.conf and import vars # shellcheck source=./mailcow.conf.shellcheck . "$mcConfig" export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT="$dockerStartTimeout" ### start logging # verify logfile specification is valid if ! printf "%s" "$logfile" | grep -o / >/dev/null; then # no slashes -> filename provided, save in scriptdir logfile="$scriptPath/$logfile" elif [ "$(printf "%s" "$logfile" | tail -c 1)" = '/' ]; then # ends in '/' --> directory provided, does it exist? if [ ! -d "$logfile" ]; then if ! mkdir -p "$logfile" >/dev/null 2>&1; then consoleError '1' "Unable to make specified log file directory." fi fi logdir="$(cd "$logfile" 2>/dev/null && pwd -P)" logfile="${logdir}/${scriptName%.*}.log" else # full path provided, does the parent directory exist? if [ ! -d "${logfile%/*}" ]; then # make parent path if ! mkdir -p "${logfile%/*}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then consoleError '1' "Unable to make specified log file path." fi fi fi # write initial log entries if ! printf "%s[%s] --- Start %s execution ---\n%s" "$magenta" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" 2>/dev/null >>"$logfile"; then consoleError '1' "Unable to write to log file ($logfile)" fi writeLog 'info' "Log located at $logfile" ### get location of docker volumes dockerVolumeMail=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_vmail-vol-1) writeLog 'info' "Using MAIL volume: ${dockerVolumeMail}" dockerVolumeCrypt=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_crypt-vol-1) writeLog 'info' "Using MAILCRYPT volume: ${dockerVolumeCrypt}" dockerVolumePostfix=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_postfix-vol-1) writeLog 'info' "Using POSTFIX volume: ${dockerVolumePostfix}" dockerVolumeRedis=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_redis-vol-1) writeLog 'info' "Using REDIS volume: ${dockerVolumeRedis}" dockerVolumeRspamd=$(docker volume inspect -f '{{ .Mountpoint }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_rspamd-vol-1) writeLog 'info' "Using RSPAMD volume: ${dockerVolumeRspamd}" # exit if mail or crypt containers cannot be found (mailcow not initialized beforehand) if [ -z "$dockerVolumeMail" ] || [ -z "$dockerVolumeCrypt" ]; then writeLog 'error' '5' "Cannot find mail volume. Mailcow probably not initialized before running restore." exitError 5 fi ### restore SQL if [ "$restoreSQL" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'task' "Restoring mailcow database" # sql restore pre-requisites sqlBackup=$(find "${backupLocation}/tmp" -iname "*.sql") if [ -n "$sqlBackup" ]; then # start mysql container if not already running if ! docker container inspect -f '{{ .State.Running }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_mysql-mailcow_1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then docker-compose up -d mysql-mailcow > /dev/null 2>&1 if docker container inspect -f '{{ .State.Running }}' ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_mysql-mailcow_1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then sqlRunning=1 else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '12' "Cannot start mysql-mailcow container -- cannot restore mailcow database!" errorCount=$((errorCount+1)) fi else sqlRunning=1 fi else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '11' "Cannot locate SQL backup -- cannot restore mailcow database!" errorCount=$((errorCount+1)) fi # restore sql if [ "$sqlRunning" -eq 1 ]; then if docker exec -i "$(docker-compose ps -q mysql-mailcow)" mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME} < "${sqlBackup}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then writeLog 'done' else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '13' "Something went wrong while trying to restore SQL database. Perhaps try again?" errorCount=$((errorCount+1)) fi fi fi ### stop containers (necessary for all restore operations except SQL) if ! docker-compose down > /dev/null 2>&1; then writeLog 'error' '20' "Unable to bring mailcow containers down -- cannot reliably restore. Aborting." exitError 20 fi if [ "$( docker ps --filter "name=${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}" -q | wc -l )" -gt 0 ]; then writeLog 'error' '20' "Unable to bring mailcow containers down -- cannot reliably restore. Aborting." exitError 20 fi ### restore mail and encryption key if [ "$restoreMail" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'info' "Restoring email" else writeLog 'task' "Restoring email" fi # restore email messages doRestore "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_vmail-vol-1" "$dockerVolumeMail"; ec="$?" case "$ec" in 0) if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'success' "Email messages restored" else writeLog 'done' fi ;; 1) if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'error' '52' "There was an error restoring one or more email messages." else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '52' "There was an error restoring one or more email messages." fi ;; 2) if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'error' '51' "Cannot locate email message backups!" else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '51' "Cannot locate email message backups!" fi ;; esac # restore encryption key doRestore "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_crypt-vol-1" "$dockerVolumeCrypt"; ec="$?" case "$ec" in 0) if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'success' "Encryption key restored" else writeLog 'done' fi ;; 1) if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'error' '52' "There was an error restoring the encryption key! Any restored messages are likely *not* readable!" else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '52' "There was an error restoring the encryption key! Any restored messages are likely *not* readable!" fi ;; 2) if [ "$verbose" -eq 1 ]; then writeLog 'error' '51' "Cannot locate encryption key backup!" else writeLog 'done' 'error' writeLog 'error' '51' "Cannot locate encryption key backup!" fi ;; esac fi #TODO: copy backups to correct docker volumes #TODO: restart docker containers #TODO: optionally reindex dovecot (parameter) ### exit gracefully if [ "$errorCount" -gt 0 ]; then # note non-terminating errors printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution completed with %s error(s) ---\n%s" "$err" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$errorCount" "$norm" >>"$logfile" exit 98 elif [ "$warnCount" -gt 0 ]; then printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution completed with %s warning(s) ---\n%s" "$yellow" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$warnCount" "$norm" >>"$logfile" exit 97 else writeLog 'success' "All processes completed" printf "%s[%s] --- %s execution completed ---\n%s" "$magenta" "$(stamp)" "$scriptName" "$norm" >>"$logfile" exit 0 fi ### error codes: # 1: parameter error # 2: not run as root # 3: docker not installed # 4: cannot change to mailcow directory # 5: mailcow not initialized before running script # 1x: SQL errors # 11: cannot locate SQL dump in backup directory # 12: cannot start mysql-mailcow container # 13: restoring SQL dump was unsuccessful # 2x: Docker/Docker-Compose errors # 20: cannot bring docker container(s) down successfully # 5x: File restore errors # 51: cannot locate source files in backup directory # 52: error restoring one or more files # 97: script completed with 1 or more warnings # 98: script completed with 1 or more non-terminating errors # 99: TERM signal trapped #EOF