# /etc: Included files Three files are updated in the */etc* folder. ## profile This is the Debian Stretch default *profile* and is copied to */etc/profile* to return accounts to a baseline configuration. Again, this is done to ensure that only */etc/bash.bashrc* is providing initial customizations to users. ## bash.bashrc Of the bash customization files, this is the only one that is NOT in a default configuration. I have added the following customizations I find useful especially for new users and system admins: - colourized directory listings with built-in automatic colour settings - changed prompt to include 24-hour clock, username, hostname and current directory display - username changes to RED when working as ROOT (uid=0) - added the following command aliases alias|full command|explanation ---|---|--- ll|ls -l|default 'ls' output l|ls -lAsh --group-directories-first|far more useful and robust file display including sizes, permissions and owners rm|rm -i|confirmation prompt when deleting file mv|mv -i|confirmation prompt when moving file would result in overwriting existing file cp|cp -i|confirmation prompt when copying file would result in overwriting existing file ## nano defaults (nanorc) The following options have been enabled/set in nano to provide what I feel is an easier editing experience especially for people coming from a Windows background and new users/admins. - 'rebind' numeric keypad to fix problems with using keypad with some SSH clients - set 'smart home' some home key is useful - allow opening multiple files at once - always display line numbers - constantly display cursor position at the bottom of the screen - set vim lock-files - autoindent ON, tab-size of 4 spaces - convert tabs to spaces - turn off hard line wrapping - turn ON soft line wrapping for ease of readability - closing 'brackets' (for alignment purposes) set as: "')>]} - cut to end of line by default - set proper bracket matching (ie. "<" matches ">", etc.) - turned on default colours so nano doesn't look so drab - added the following key-bindings binding|fuction ---|--- alt-c/alt-C|copy selected text alt-x/alt-X|cut selected text alt-v/alt-V|paste text on clipboard