#!/bin/bash ### Define functions function scriptHelp { echo -e "\e[1;31mInvalid parameter(s) provided\e[0m\n" echo -e "\e[1;39mUsage:" echo -e "\e[1;36m$(basename ${0})" \ "\e[1;35m-f /path/to/account/details.file" \ "\e[1;33m-r record.to.update [-r another.record.to.update -r ...]" echo -e "\t\e[0;92m[optional parameters]\e[0m\n" echo -e "\e[1;39mNotes:\e[0m" echo -e "-f and -r parameters are REQUIRED." echo -e "Multiple A/AAAA records to update can be specified by supplying" echo -e "\tmultiple -r parameters (see examples below)." echo "This script can operate only in either IP4 OR IP6 mode. See below." echo "This script will NOT verify the format or validity of supplied IP" echo -e "\taddresses." echo -e "\n\e[1;39mOptional parameters\e[0m" echo -e "-i\tUse this IP address when updating DNS records" echo -e "\tIf NOT supplied, the script will attempt to auto-detect this" echo -e "\tmachine's IP address (depending on -4 or -6 parameters) and" echo -e "\tuse that address for DNS updates. The script does NOT check" echo -e "\tthe validity of an address supplied using this parameter nor" echo -e "\tthe protocol type (IP4 vs IP6)." echo -e "-4\tOperate in IP4 mode and update A records (default)" echo -e "\tThis is the default operating mode and does not need to be" echo -e "\texplicitly specified. Ensure you have supplied a valid IP4" echo -e "\taddress using the -i parameter or that your machine's IP4" echo -e "\taddress can be correctly detected externally." echo -e "-6\tOperate in IP6 mode and update AAAA records" echo -e "\tONLY AAAA records will be updated. Ensure you have supplied" echo -e "\ta valid IP6 address using the -i parameter or that your" echo -e "\tmachine's IP6 address can be correctly detected externally." echo -e "\n\e[1;39mExample: \e[0mUse details from myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "file in /home/janedoe directory. Update server.mydomain.com A record" echo -e "with this machine's auto-detected IP4 address." echo -e "\t\e[1;36m$(basename ${0})" \ "\e[1;35m-f /home/janedoe/myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "\t\e[1;33m-r server.mydomain.com\e[0m" echo -e "\n\e[1;39mExample: \e[0mUse details from myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "file in /home/janedoe directory. Update server.mydomain.com AND" echo -e "server2.mydomain.com A records with this machine's auto-detected IP6" echo -e "address." echo -e "\t\e[1;36m$(basename ${0})" \ "\e[1;35m-f /home/janedoe/myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "\t\e[1;33m-r server.mydomain.com" \ "-r server2.mydomain.com \e[1;92m-6\e[0m" echo -e "\n\e[1;39mExample: \e[0mUse details from myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "file in /home/janedoe directory. Update server.mydomain.com A record" echo -e "using IP4 address" echo -e "\t\e[1;36m$(basename ${0})" \ "\e[1;35m-f /home/janedoe/myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "\t\e[1;33m-r server.mydomain.com \e[1;92m-i\e[0m" echo -e "\n\e[1;39mExample: \e[0mUse details from myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "file in /home/janedoe directory. Update server3.mydomain.com AND" echo -e "server7.mydomain.com AAAA records using IP6 address FE80::286A:FF91." echo -e "\t\e[1;36m$(basename ${0})" \ "\e[1;35m-f /home/janedoe/myCloudFlareDetails.info" echo -e "\t\e[1;33m-r server.mydomain.com" \ "\e[1;33m-r server2.mydomain.com \e[1;92m-i FE80::286A:FF91\e[0m" exit 1 } ### end of functions ### unset environment variables used in this script and initialize arrays unset PARAMS unset accountFile unset ipAddress dnsRecords=() cfDetails=() cfRecords=() ip4=1 ip6=0 ### Process script parameters if [ -z $1 ]; then scriptHelp fi while getopts ':f:r:i:46' PARAMS; do case "$PARAMS" in f) accountFile="${OPTARG}" ;; r) dnsRecords+=($OPTARG) ;; i) ipAddress="$OPTARG" ;; 4) ip4=1 ip6=0 ;; 6) ip4=0 ip6=1 ;; ?) scriptHelp ;; esac done # Check validity of parameters if [ -z "$accountFile" ] || [[ $accountFile == -* ]]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNo file containing account details was specified." echo -e "\e[0;31m(-f parameter empty or missing)\e[0m" exit 101 elif [ ! -s "$accountFile" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mAccount details file is either empty or does not" \ "exist.\e[0m" exit 102 elif [ -z ${dnsRecords} ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNo DNS records were specified." echo -e "\e[0;31m(-r parameter(s) empty or missing)\e[0m" exit 103 fi ## Extract needed information from accountDetails file mapfile -t cfDetails < "$accountFile" ## Get current IP address, if not provided in parameters if [ -z "$ipAddress" ]; then echo -e "\e[0;36mNo IP address for update provided. Detecting" \ "this machine's IP address..." if [ $ip4 -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\e[1;36m(set to IP4 mode)\e[0m" ipAddress=$(curl -s http://ipv4.icanhazip.com) elif [ $ip6 -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "\e[1;36m(set to IP6 mode)\e[0m" ipAddress=$(curl -s http://ipv6.icanhazip.com) fi ipLookupResult=$(echo "$?") if [ "$ipLookupResult" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mIP address for update could not be detected." echo -e "\e[0;31mPlease re-run script and specify an IP address" \ "to use via the -i flag.\e[0m" exit 201 else echo -e "\e[0;36mUsing IP address: $ipAddress" fi fi ## Check if desired record(s) exist at CloudFlare echo -e "\e[0;36mPerforming CloudFlare lookup on specified DNS records...\e[0m" echo -e "\t(${dnsRecords[*]})" for cfLookup in "${dnsRecords[@]}"; do cfRecords+=("$(curl -s -X GET "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/${cfDetails[2]}/dns_records?name=$cfLookup&type=A" -H "X-Auth-Email: ${cfDetails[0]}" -H "X-Auth-Key: ${cfDetails[1]}" -H "Content-Type: application/json")") done # check for curl errors cfLookupResult=$(echo "$?") if [ "$cfLookupResult" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mThere was a problem accessing the CloudFlare API" echo -e "\e[0;31mPlease re-run this script later.\e[0m" exit 254 fi # check for any non-existant domain names and contract array accordingly for recordIdx in "${!cfRecords[@]}"; do if [[ ${cfRecords[recordIdx]} == *"\"count\":0"* ]]; then # inform user that domain not found in CloudFlare DNS records echo -e "\e[0;31m***${dnsRecords[recordIdx]} not found in your" \ "CloudFlare DNS records***\e[0m" # remove the entry from the dnsRecords array unset dnsRecords[$recordIdx] dnsRecords=("${dnsRecords[@]}") # remove the entry from the records array unset cfRecords[$recordIdx] cfRecords=("${cfRecords[@]}") fi done # list array contents for recordIdx in "${!cfRecords[@]}"; do echo -e "\n\e[0;33m Found ${dnsRecords[recordIdx]}" \ "(Index: $recordIdx):\e[0m" echo -e "${cfRecords[recordIdx]}" done exit 0