#!/bin/sh ### update script for ab-nginx container and utility scripts # version 1.0.0 # script by Asif Bacchus ### ### functions errMsg() { printf "\n%s%s%s\n\n" "$err" "$1" "$norm" exit 1 } errNotify() { printf "%s[ERROR]%s\n" "$err" "$norm" } okMsg() { printf "%s%s%s\n\n" "$ok" "$1" "$norm" } okNotify() { printf "%s[OK]%s\n" "$ok" "$norm" } ### text formatting presets if command -v tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then err=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1) info=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 6) norm=$(tput sgr0) ok=$(tput sgr0)$(tput setaf 2) warn=$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 3) else err='' info='' norm='' ok='' warn='' fi ### pre-requisites # check if wget is installed if ! command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then errMsg "Sorry, this script requires that 'wget' is installed in order to download updates. Exiting." fi # check if docker is installed if ! command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then errMsg "Sorry, it appears that docker is not installed on this machine! Exiting." fi # is user root or in the docker group? if [ ! "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then if ! id -Gn | grep docker >/dev/null; then errMsg "You must either be root or in the 'docker' group to pull container updates." fi fi # zero counters updatesAvailable=0 downloadFailed=0 downloadSuccess=0 updateFailed=0 updateSuccess=0 # reference constants dockerNamespace='nginx' containerName='ab-nginx' containerUpdatePath="docker.asifbacchus.app/$dockerNamespace/$containerName:latest" server="https://asifbacchus.app/updates/docker/$dockerNamespace/$containerName/" checksumFilename='checksums.sha256' # files to update localScriptName="$(basename "$0")" repoScriptName='update.sh' ### update container printf "%s\n*** Updating %s container and service scripts ***\n\n%s" "$info" "$containerName" "$norm" printf "Updating container:\n" if ! docker pull "$containerUpdatePath"; then errMsg "There was an error updating the container. Try again later." else okMsg "Container updated!" fi ### update scripts printf "%sUpdating %s service scripts%s\n" "$info" "$containerName" "$norm" ## download latest checksums printf "Getting latest checksums... " if ! wget --quiet --tries=3 --timeout=10 -N "${server}${checksumFilename}"; then errNotify errMsg "Unable to download checksums. Try again later." else okNotify fi ## check for updates to this script printf "Checking for updates to this script... " repoScriptChecksum=$(grep "$repoScriptName" "$checksumFilename" | grep -o '^\S*') localScriptChecksum=$(sha256sum "$localScriptName" | grep -o '^\S*') if [ "$localScriptChecksum" = "$repoScriptChecksum" ]; then printf "[NONE]\n" else printf "[AVAILABLE]\n" printf "Getting updated script... " # download updated script if ! wget --quiet --tries=3 --timeout=10 -O "update.sh.tmp" "${server}${repoScriptName}"; then errNotify # delete failed download as necessary rm -f ./update.sh.tmp 2>/dev/null errMsg "Unable to download script update. Try again later." else # verify download dlScriptChecksum=$(sha256sum "update.sh.tmp" | grep -o '^\S*') if ! [ "$dlScriptChecksum" = "$repoScriptChecksum" ]; then printf "[ERROR]\n" # delete corrupt download as necessary rm -f ./update.sh.tmp 2>/dev/null errMsg "Checksum mismatch! Try again later." else okNotify printf "\n%s*** This script has been updated. Please re-run it to load the updated version of this file. ***%s\n\n" "$warn" "$norm" # overwrite this script with updated script mv -f ./update.sh.tmp "$localScriptName" fi fi fi ## update files while IFS=' ' read -r field1 field2; do printf "\nChecking '%s' for updates... " "$field2" updateFilename="$field2" repoFileChecksum="$field1" if [ -f "$updateFilename" ]; then localFileChecksum=$(sha256sum "$updateFilename" | grep -o '^\S*') else localFileChecksum=0 fi # update file if necessary if ! [ "$localFileChecksum" = "$repoFileChecksum" ]; then printf "[AVAILABLE]\n" updatesAvailable=$((updatesAvailable + 1)) # download update printf "Downloading updated '%s'... " "$updateFilename" if ! wget --quiet --tries=3 --timeout=10 -O "$updateFilename.tmp" "${server}${updateFilename}"; then errNotify downloadFailed=$((downloadFailed + 1)) # delete failed download file as necessary rm -f "$updateFilename.tmp" 2>&1 else okNotify downloadSuccess=$((downloadSuccess + 1)) # verify download printf "Verifying '%s'... " "$updateFilename" localFileChecksum=$(sha256sum "$updateFilename.tmp" | grep -o '^\S*') if ! [ "$localFileChecksum" = "$repoFileChecksum" ]; then errNotify updateFailed=$((updateFailed + 1)) # delete corrupted download file as necessary rm -f "$updateFilename.tmp" 2>&1 else okNotify updateSuccess=$((updateSuccess + 1)) # overwrite old version of file mv -f "$updateFilename.tmp" "$updateFilename" fi fi else printf "[NONE]\n" fi done <"$checksumFilename" ### display results printf "\n%sResults:%s\n" "$info" "$norm" printf "\tUpdates: %s available\n" "$updatesAvailable" printf "\tDownloads: %s%s successful%s, %s%s failed%s\n" "$ok" "$downloadSuccess" "$norm" "$err" "$downloadFailed" "$norm" printf "\tUpdates: %s%s applied%s, %s%s failed%s\n" "$ok" "$updateSuccess" "$norm" "$err" "$updateFailed" "$norm" exit 0