Compare commits


No commits in common. "ff53a853236d8b47565e9776f8b91264a9efb91e" and "09752089d6712b86257d5948168b1257fe30bf18" have entirely different histories.

5 changed files with 36 additions and 116 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
*.PDF diff=astextplain *.PDF diff=astextplain
*.rtf diff=astextplain *.rtf diff=astextplain
*.RTF diff=astextplain *.RTF diff=astextplain
*.md text diff=markdown *.md text
*.tex text diff=tex *.tex text diff=tex
*.adoc text *.adoc text
*.textile text *.textile text
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
*.tsv text *.tsv text
*.txt text *.txt text
*.sql text *.sql text
*.ps1 text eol=crlf
# Graphics # Graphics
*.png binary *.png binary
@ -54,23 +53,7 @@
# These are explicitly windows files and should use crlf # These are explicitly windows files and should use crlf
*.bat text eol=crlf *.bat text eol=crlf
*.cmd text eol=crlf *.cmd text eol=crlf
*.ps1 text eol=crlf
# web frontend stack -- force LF so SRI hashes are always correct
*.html text eol=lf
*.htm text eol=lf
*.css text eol=lf
*.min.css text eol=lf
*.js text eol=lf
*.min.js text eol=lf
*.php text eol=lf
# Visual Studio projects (Rider also)
*.cs diff=csharp
*.sln merge=union
*.csproj merge=union
*.vbproj merge=union
*.fsproj merge=union
*.dbproj merge=union
# Serialisation # Serialisation
*.json text *.json text
@ -93,8 +76,7 @@
# Exclude files from exporting # Exclude files from exporting
# #
.gitattributes export-ignore .gitattributes export-ignore
.gitignore export-ignore .gitignore export-ignore
.gitkeep export-ignore .gitkeep export-ignore
.idea export-ignore .vscode export-ignore
.vscode export-ignore

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,73 +1,11 @@
### JetBrains template # VSCode files
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider .vscode/*
# Reference: !.vscode/settings.json
# User-specific stuff !.vscode/launch.json
.idea/**/workspace.xml !.vscode/extensions.json
.idea/**/tasks.xml !.vscode/numbered-bookmarks.json
.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml *.code-workspace
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/artifacts
# .idea/compiler.xml
# .idea/jarRepositories.xml
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# *.iml
# *.ipr
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
# Local History for Visual Studio Code

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4"> <project version="4">
<component name="UserContentModel"> <component name="ContentModelUserStore">
<attachedFolders /> <attachedFolders />
<explicitIncludes /> <explicitIncludes />
<explicitExcludes /> <explicitExcludes />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="RIDER_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager">
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/../.." />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

View File

@ -5,15 +5,14 @@
FROM alpine:3.13 FROM alpine:3.13
# standardized labels # standardized labels
MAINTAINER Asif Bacchus <> LABEL maintainer="Asif Bacchus <>"
LABEL dev.asifbacchus.docker.internalName="ab-mariadb-alpine" LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0"
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.authors="Asif Bacchus <>" LABEL org.label-schema.docker.cmd="docker run -d --name db -v volume:/var/lib/mysql [-v /pre/exec/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-preinit.d] [-v /sql/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d] [-v /post/exec/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-postinit.d] [-e param1 -e param2...]"
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.description="" LABEL org.label-schema.description="mariadb running on Alpine Linux."
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.documentation="" LABEL"ab-mariadb-alpine"
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.source="" LABEL org.label-schema.url=""
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.title="ab-mariadb-alpine" LABEL org.label-schema.usage=""
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.url="" LABEL org.label-schema.vcs-url=""
LABEL org.opencontainer.image.vendor="Asif Bacchus <>"
# install mariadb and turn on TCP connection in default config # install mariadb and turn on TCP connection in default config
RUN apk --no-cache --repository= add \ RUN apk --no-cache --repository= add \
@ -53,14 +52,8 @@ ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/" ]
CMD [ "/usr/bin/mysqld", "--user=mysql", "--console" ] CMD [ "/usr/bin/mysqld", "--user=mysql", "--console" ]
# add parameters, version and build date labels # add parameters, version and build date labels
# set build timestamp and version labels LABEL org.label-schema.docker.params="TZ=Etc/UTC, MYSQL_UID=8100, MYSQL_GID=8100, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=..., MYSQL_DATABASE='myData', MYSQL_CHARSET='utf8mb4', MYSQL_COLLATION='utf8mb4_general_ci', MYSQL_USER=..., MYSQL_PASSWORD=..."
ARG MARIADB_VERSION LABEL org.label-schema.vendor="mariaDB (10.5.9-r0)"
ARG INTERNAL_VERSION LABEL org.label-schema.version="1.1"
LABEL dev.asifbacchus.docker.internalVersion=${INTERNAL_VERSION} LABEL${BUILD_DATE}
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="${INTERNAL_VERSION}-${MARIADB_VERSION}"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.revision=${GIT_COMMIT}
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created=${BUILD_DATE}