# # Parameters for node-livereload-tls stack: # This file makes it easier to customize your node-livereload-tls stack deployment by providing centralized configuration options. # This file is *not required* since all values have (sane) default settings. # There is *no* sensitive information in this file. # # COMMON PARAMETERS # TZ: # Timezone used in logs and console messages. No effect on operation, purely aesthetic. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: Etc/UTC # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid IANA TZ formatted timezone. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones. TZ=Etc/UTC # GID: # You may wish to change the GroupID of the container's user. This allows it access certain resources on the host like certificates or files. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid UID/GID #GID= # WATCHDIR: # Directory containing files you want to monitor for changes and trigger a browser reload. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid directory on the host WATCHDIR=~/myWebProject # # AB-NGINX parameters # refer to https://git.asifbacchus.dev/ab-docker/ab-nginx/wiki for more details # NGINX_HTTP: # Port to map on the host for ab-nginx to listen for HTTP connections. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: 80 # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid TCP port that does not cause conflicts in your environment #NGINX_HTTP=80 # NGINX_HTTPS: # Port to map on the host for ab-nginx to listen for HTTPS connections. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: 443 # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid TCP port that does not cause conflicts in your environment #NGINX_HTTPS=443 # SERVER_NAMES: # Space-delimited list of names to which the server should respond. This needs to match any certificates being used. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: _ # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid hostnames for your environment SERVER_NAMES=_ # TLS13_ONLY: # Use and accept only TLS version 1.3 connections. If false, both TLS versions 1.2 and 1.3 will be accepted. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: TRUE # VALID OPTIONS: TRUE, FALSE TLS13_ONLY=TRUE # # node-livereload parameters # LR_PORT: # Port on which the server should listen. Virtually all clients expect the default setting. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: 35729 # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid TCP port number that does not conflict within your environment #LR_PORT=35729 # LR_EXTS: # Comma-delimited list of extensions to watch for changes and trigger a browser reload. This list *must* be quoted. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: "html,xml,css,js,jsx,ts,tsx,php,py" # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid file extension(s) LR_EXTS="html,xml,css,js,jsx,ts,tsx,php,py" # LR_EXCLUDE: # Comma-delimited list of files/directories to exclude from monitoring. This list *must* be quoted. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: ".git/,.svn/,.vscode/,.idea/" # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid files or directories/ LR_EXCLUDE=".git/,.svn/,.vscode/,.idea/" # LR_DELAY: # Amount of time in milliseconds before detecting a change and sending a trigger for a browser reload. Useful if you need to allow time for background recompilation, etc. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: 500 # VALID OPTIONS: Any integer representing a number of milliseconds (ms) LR_DELAY=500 # LR_DEBUG: # Whether or not to print diagnostic debugging messages about the server's operation. Usually a good idea to leave this set to 'true'. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: true # VALID OPTIONS: true, false LR_DEBUG=true # LR_HTTPS: # Whether or not to enable SSL/TLS on the server's listening port. This may be required depending on your domain and environment configuration. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: true # VALID OPTIONS: true, false LR_HTTPS=true # CERT_HOSTNAME: # Hostname to use if container is auto-generating a self-signed certificate. # REQUIRED: NO # DEFAULT: $HOSTNAME # VALID OPTIONS: Any valid hostname CERT_HOSTNAME=${SERVER_NAMES} #EOF